
WHY dont people CARE about <span title="recycling??????????????????????">recycling????????????????...</span>

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Okay I'm 11 and I really care bout the planet!Like OMG!!! In 2021 they will not beable to breath because ALL the trees will be gone! And plastic bags are killing polar bears, seals, sea lions ETC!!! Why doen't anyone care about this? Do they want to die? Why do people litter? Why are people burning paper and not recycling????? OMG someone needs to tell me WHY




  1. you are so smart....i think the exact same thing as you.

    i care about the environment as much as you do and I recycle everyday too.

    But there are WAY too many ignorent and lazy people out there who dont want to get their lazy asses to help so that the world&#039;s health can get better in a daily simple as recycling can be...



    take care....

  2. Because, especailly in US or North America, they have a lot of trees unlike the other countries. So, they can use whatever they want.

    in the other countries, like Korea which is my country, they recycled everything because there is not so many natural resources and we have to buy them from the other countries. In Korea, starting from the plastic bag, plastic, glasses, and everything! Even the fruit or some food people don&#039;t eat, they use them for the farming and some food for some insects.

    So, I think the main reason is because you guys have too many resources.

  3. Geez, get a grip before you vapor-lock, kid.

    1) Who says &quot;In 2021 they will not beable to breath&quot;? 2021 got nothing to do with;s just the bloody end of the Mayan calendar.

    2) Plastic bags don&#039;t kill critters (much less polar bears). It&#039;s those plastic six-pack thingies.

    3) The only folks I know that are &quot;burning paper&quot; are folks living waaaay out in the boonies. Everyone else has trash service.

    4) I recycle. I don&#039;t litter. So, I&#039;d appreciate it if you didn&#039;t lump me in with all the other horrible people you&#039;re ranting about.

  4. Oh I do care. I don&#039;t litter, i don&#039;t burn the garbages. I love the animals, I love Mother Earth. I care!

  5. well, thoes garbage bags with the recycle sign cots money

    and ppl just dont want to spend money towards that stuff

  6. why is the hardest question to ask my dear. but then i tell you what i think why dont people care?

    so, it&#039;s how they treat the issue, how they think about sustainablity and that our nature is NOT an endless resources of raw materials that in the end we will found ourselves with no other option bu to go green.

    it&#039;s how they think that&#039;s why.

    they don&#039;t link the chains, they dont trace the process in making one recyclable that even if you recycle one can of waste, 70 more cans of waste are  produced and trash out just to make that 1 single can.

    at the end of the day, it will still rely on whether they want their future children to have clean environment or not.

    they can;t hear those future generations which scream back to us saying like: &quot;what are you doing?! don&#039;t you see?&quot;

    and like future generations may well have occassion to ask themselves &quot;what were our parents thinking why dodn&#039;t they do something when they had the chance ?&quot; and so they have to hear that question NOW.

  7. well i could say wait and see after you been kicked around a bit. but that would be negative reinforcement. so um a good logical reason why apathy runs rampant.

  8. God wouldnt let u suffer he will come get us before there is no air, chill out!

  9. I can only think that the pressures of surviving in adulthood strip away the amount of time people think about other people or about being abstractly generous.  I&#039;m not excusing that but I think the more people feel weighed down by life, the less they cherish it and act accordingly...

  10. I wouldn&#039;t say your age on here......someone creep may well you prob know............

    And I care bout the environment alot! Prob just as much as you do!

  11. We recycle everything here, before i go shopping for dinner i always check if have empty bottle to be thrown-out to the special container for glass not only glass it is separated in 3 color just like, white,green and brown glasses.,also for plastic shopping bag/just say all plastic  stuff, and container for paper, carton etc,,,all of that types,,which have their own proper container....for recycle

  12. i believe the mayority of people are lazy, don&#039;t care or they think that it&#039;s really all talk and it&#039;s not going to happen.

  13. because its hard to see thing &quot;big picture&quot;. The people cant see whats going to happen in 40 years. If a their backyard had a whole bunch of trash, surely they wold clean it up. Just tell people to start small......they&#039;ll get better. Good Luck!

  14. In short - people are morons.

  15. Because we are not 11 anymore.  

    We have things like mortgages, insurance, gas bills, auto loans, and groceries.  We are busy working to provide a good home for our own families, save for their schooling, wedding, and our retirement.  We worry about things like our children, our spouses, and our jobs.  We watch the news and worry about our family&#039;s safety, our neighbor&#039;s, and our country.   And in the end, we have faith in our Creator.  He has promised to be with us always and protect us till we are safe with him forever.

    So here is what we know also - there will be trees for you for as long as you need them, plastic bags are not killing polar bears (there are about 5 time more polar bears now than when I was your age).  

    When I was 11 we drove to the fast food place for burgers and shakes and when we were done, we (all) just opened the car windows and just threw the trash out on to the street.  This country has made tremendous improvements on polution and will continue to try harder.  

    You should not worry about what others are or are not doing.  If it is important to you, then do it.  But consider the more powerful approach than recycling - avoid the extra packing in the first place.  That means eliminating all those fun foods in tiny packages (Gogurts, Danimals, fun sized candy, string cheese, pints of ice cream, etc)  They produce way more plastic and waste.  Also, your mom and dad will tell you they cost way more than the same amount of the exact same thing in the large bulk sized packages.

  16. cheack this out you will like this. click on where you live.

  17. Are you and your family doing all they can?

    Does your milk come from the store in a plastic jog or wax coated carton?

    . . . . . you could have your own cow &amp; milk it!

    Do you consume soda pop from plastic?

    . . . . .  you could change to water (from the tap of course) !

    Do your veggies come from a can? or a frozen plastic bag?

    . . . . . you could grow yourown in a garden!

    Does your family own a car, or two, or three?

    . . . . you could sell them and bike everywhere you needed to go!

    Do you own and use a TV? A computer? Lamps and lights with bulbs? Is your home air conditioned?

    . . . . .You can turn them off!

    Does your family get the daily news paper?

    . . . . . Stop!

    Does your family buy tooth past in a plastic tub?

    . . . . . Stop!

    Does your family use toilet paper?

    . .. . . Stop! your wasting both paper and plastic

    Those whom preach the loudest usually haven&#039;t yet taken a look at themselves.

  18. Boohoo, panda bears are dieing.

    I might sound mean, but once you get older, you will see that there are many more problems in the world than just plastic bags.

  19. You are pretty smart for 11.  It is scary to see what we are doing to our planet and resources.  Here is a video that shows about all the stuff we throw out .............pretty interesting

  20. well there are good points and bad points to recycling... I used to be like you until I found out the awful truth.

    the recycling plant puts out dangerous fumes and gases as it breaks things down,

    things photo-degrade faster than and safer than they would had you put the item in the garbage (landfill) or recycled them.

    You can only recycle things so many times before they become unusable.

    many trees are planted with the intention of being cut down to make paper and with out these tree farms we wouldn&#039;t have as much clean air as we do.

    not ALL the trees are going to be gone, trees feed on carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen, we would all die long before ALL the trees died.

    don&#039;t take my word for it take a look at this:

    after you look at it do your own research on this subject.

    now if you can find a way to safely reuse the items go for it that will really save the world.

  21. Because people are lazy and everyone thinks &quot;I&#039;m just one person - nothing I do is going to make a difference so I may as well do what I have always been doing and is comfortable to do&quot;. This is of course NOT TRUE - we are each one person, but we add up to the whole world, and each of us can make a huge difference.

    That is why people like you (and me and everyone else!) need to speak up.... but more than that, we need to lead by example. Here are just a few things you can do:

    Stop asking for rides everywhere you need to go - walk or bike or just don&#039;t go as often.

    Stop buying stuff that has too much packaging or is bad for the environment.... in other words, PRE-cycle.

    Eat local food as often as you can - it supports local farmers and saves on fuel and shipping (and pollution).

    There are SO many things you can do to make a difference. Kids have a lot more power than they think.

    Good luck, and keep up the good work!

  22. I&#039;m 13 and I do too

  23. you keep doing your part and let others know around you to do theirs, the rest will follow, I realize a lot aren&#039;t recycling, but a LOT are, it&#039;ll come together ok., just remember to keep your part up, and let your neighbors, school, etc. do theirs, speak out, speak up...

  24. maybe der lazy of doing all dat hard work and day just litter da whole intier planet! ill hate to see this place gone to perfect into a killin machin. and i luv to care this world so im on ur side gurl! :)

  25. 1st of all - i recyle. i recyle bottles and cans and paper. so dont yell

    2nd of all- you&#039;re not  allowed to be here . go yell on  a soap box or something kid.

  26. first, a lot of people do care

    second you need to get some real facts

    there are more trees in the USA today than there was when the Pilgrims landed

    Know how the &quot;native Americans&quot; cleared a field for planting crops - they set the forest on fire

    the problems with plastic bags are real - but the media has lied about their true impact - gross exaggeration

    can&#039;t cut trees so you can&#039;t have paper bags

    cloth bags - have to clear fields and use gas guzzling tractors to grow raw material to make the bags

    synthetic bags - most are made from petroleum

    little fact about where I live - law said newspapers should be recycled and paper mill had to accept so many tons of recycled paper - that mill was not equipped to handle that much so they had to pay for the recycled papers and then had to pay to dispose of them in a landfill

    we need to do what we can for our planet but keep in mind that a lot of leading scientists that proclaim global warning is going to kill us are the same ones that were screaming about how we were all fixing to freeze to death in the coming ice age that mankind was causing

    they have made a good living trying to scare people to death - always follow the money

  27. I recycle carbon in to the atmosphere by burning lots of gas. It is very green of me.

  28. after the year 2012 you will not have to recycle

  29. im young too i think that its because people are just too lazy too sort out trash. its sooo horible check out my question, see if you can help

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