
WHY has God given us this Life?

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I know it sounds crazy, but plz read and answer:

I mean what are we here for, what is our karma or say aim in life for which god has gifted us this "so called" precious life as human being? No doubt we all r busy in our own life and say drink, eat, sleep, work, study, socialize,etc but what will we gain from all this at the end of the day and why god has sent us here, has anybody ever tired to think, this?




  1. Our purpose in life is to be a servant for God. To actively seek new members to invite to his kingdom. We are his hands, feet, mouth, and eyes on this earth. Everything we do is to please him. So ask not what this life will give to you, but what can you give to this life?  

  2. hmm i think life is a test from god if we live a good life doing good things we will pass the test and go to heaven if we dont we go to h**l

  3. Guess God wants us to experience the beauty of it. If you look at what beauty it has to offer and even just the fact that it is the norm you couldn't imagine living without having to have life in the first place.

    Life is probably the grounds where God sees if man can stand the tests and finally live with Him in the end if they recognise, accept and live after the sacrifice of His Son.

  4. GOD exists in spirit. God is all knowing yet has no physical existence. We are the medium through which he can physically manifest and experience all things. We have our own "free will" (personal lives) apart from his control in a sense. But through the lives of everyone and everything GOD can create the reality of his knowledge. We (gods creation) and the Universe as a whole in it's infinity provide the opportunity for ALL things to be possible. This is just one planet and one race of people in a vast expanse. But each of us provide GOD with a unique experience. Not always fun and sometimes cruel. But unique nonetheless and he loves us for that uniqueness and our salvation is found in our ability to love him back despite the suffering we may have to endure in THIS lifetime.

    I hope that helps.

  5. I think the question that should be asked is, "How is that humans ended up being the ones that worry about things like this?"  We wonder about what is the meaning of life, or what is the purpose of our existence, or why are we motivated as we are, or why [enter entity] has given us this life, etc.  The reason is pretty straightforward, humans like asking questions, and want answers to all of them, like,"why do things fall down?", or "why is the sky blue?", or "if God is all powerful, why does he allow evil to exist?"  Even when man doesn't have the means to provide accurate answers, answers will be given nonetheless, which is why we have an enormous multiplcity of creation stories, including reasons why men have morals, or why we have rulers and laws to obey.  The question "why has God given us this life?" has probably been asked ever since men have had a concept of a superior being responsible for life, and certainly by now there have been at least a few thousand different answers devised.  But you want one from me, right?  All right, God has given us life because it is a gift to us, out of his love for us, and even though he has allowed evil to flourish, and has punished all of mankind with inherent sin at birth ever since the serpent tricked Eve into tricking Adam with that fruit of knowledge, and has left us to be tempted by this evil, nevertheless has come down as his own son, and died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice to himself, so that we may be saved. Having done all of this, God has blessed us the opportunity to join him in heaven, provided that we believe this story, or else we shall suffer everlasting and cruel punishment.  That is why he has given us life.

  6. The Christian idea is that we are here to seek God, to find Him and to allow Him to reveal Himself to us through our experiences.  God has proposed to transform us from mere animals to His sons and daughters if we will but allow Him.  That is our purpose here on earth.

  7. obviously!  according to me God has given life to live. i think we are here to achive the goal meant for us ,as it is already told that all people eat drink live but the purpose , probably for  the  achievement of talent or goals hidden in us .  

  8. Read the bible, and you will learn.  You can't expect all of your questions to be direct answers.  If you don't do it yourself you will never learn to your potential.

    If you want to know why he gave you life, ask him.  Sounds crazy doesn't it?  Well so is life.  Imagine this scenario.  

    Someone puts $20 in your pants pocket before you wake up.  When you wake up you realize you have $20.  Do you wonder why it is there?  Or do you go and spend it.  It's your pocket, your money.  Is it really worth knowing how it got there.  Surely it can wait until you go to bed at night, after that $20 is all gone (symbolizing death, and the loss of your life[$20])

    I hope you see my point.

  9. Why bother asking?

    What's the gift of my quadriplegic brother? Nothing.

    Sometimes there's nothing, just nothing.

    I'd say just live with the void. Surf the wave of nothingness.

    Feels good...naught!  

  10. Should you ask your parent's why did they have you? then if you have their answer, maybe that's the answer to your question..

  11. My parents gave me life, then it was up to me to do my thing.

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