
WHY is it illegal to burn money?

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WHY is it illegal to burn money?




  1. There are a cetain number of dollars in U.S. circulation.  They do not make any more than they are allowed to.  The value of the dollar would drop, then.  The U.S. dollar is property of the U.S. Department of Treasury for the United States Government.  Any tampering with, defacing, copying/duplication, smuggling, or destruction or said currency/property will result in a possible investigation by the U.S. Secret Service or the U.S. Treasury Dept.  Plus, who the h**l wants to burn money ?!?!?

  2. Go ahead and burn it. Better yet, give it all to me and I'll take in home and burn it for you.

  3. These notes are currents of measurement. Every dollar is calculated into the energy some one used to acquire it. That why it's called currency. This currency then is connected to the movement of that individual who possess it. If you look at the Gross National Product on the stock market, it never reflects the stock. It reflects us the working class of people that keeps this nation running. So if the money is burned they have no way of calculating the movement of products, service's, etc. the America people are doing to keep the economy moving.

  4. think about it if everyone just burned a dollor how many millions would we be with out and that means that there would be less money to go around theres already enough homeless people

  5. Cuz it is owned my the government.  You many have money in your posession, but the physical dollar belongs to the country.

  6. because they just cant make an unlimted amout of money if everyone burnt money there would be no money left!!

    and why would u in the first place

  7. Its not illegal as long as you dont get caught doin it.

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