
WHY is it that if someone on a talk show SAYS "Women are smarted than Men" they get a standing ovation?

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BUT.. if they say "men are smarter than women" they get booed??

Not only is this hypocrisy, but it also shows the inferiority complex American women have.

Can someone clear this up?




  1. that is weird that they would boo the statement that men are smarter than women because it's true? weird that they would boo. men are better at women at every thing.

  2. This might help clear some things up.

  3. Because they behave like juvenile delinquents.

  4. Men are seen as dominant

    Hate to be sexist, but we actually are, we have higher payed jobs (in which i dont actually agreed with) and seem, because of this to be smarter

    So when someone says that women are smarter, it is almost an action for every other woman around to cheer and agree, because they are seen as less dominant. If a man says it, its almost as if he is being egotystical and seen as a bad thing

  5. Only douche bags watch/attend talk shows, so rest assured!

  6. It's a double standard, and it's stupid. There's an even more sexist British reality show where a professional dog trainer helps women train their husbands (for what it's worth, I wrote in and complained).

  7. This doesn't just happen in daytime talk shows.  I've heard statements similar to this made on a Fox News segment, in an episode of "American Dragon: Jake Long," and in a commercial advertising female sanitary products.  This female-superiority philosphy is taking the media by storm.   One doesn't have to be looking for it to find it.  Only the unmindful are unaware of it.  There is no tangible scientific proof to support this claim either; it just male-condescending drivel spewed to elevate the fragile egos of mentally insecure women with self-esteem issues.  Tearing down men is not the way for women to boost their self esteem and their sense of self-worth.  This is no way that something like this can justified; there is NO excuse for this!  Perpetrating an injustice to combat an existing injustice is irrational and illogical and will lead to nothing but a new set of problems.

  8. Sounds like you're watching some pretty stupid talk shows.  I do not believe women are smarter than men, or vise versa.  I believe some women are smarter than some men, and some men are smarter than some women.  I believe we need to stop generalizing by gender - which includes your strange assertion that "American women" have an inferiority complex.  Again, repeat with me - SOME women have an inferiority complex.  SOME women do not.

  9. The audience is full of women? Men don't watch that c**p.

  10. thats because it was Oprah who said it and the audience were all female.

  11. I would bet that mostly women are watching whichever talk shows you are referring to, and are also probably making up the majority of the audiences at the show fliming.

  12. Okay Women may be smarter than men in general, but who are the geniuses? That was a rhetorical question.

  13. Talk shows are trash. Turn off your TV and read a book.

  14. It gets cheers because it's so far against what was once considered the "going belief," it's cathartic for women to hear. I also believe it to be true...

  15. Most women on here don't say we're smarter than men, but have you seen the number of men who say men  are smarter than women? Why is it men on here notice when an injustice happens to them , but not the other way around?

  16. Those shows are for women and they love that kinda talk. Badmouthing men has become todays trendiest thing for women to do. Even in commercials, it's rather offensive some of the kind of humor against men that's popping up. One that really irks me lately is the Dairy Queen commercial where the little girl tells her mom not to bother buying her an ice cream and then sits down looks at a boy across the way and he goes and buys her an ice cream and she says "It's like shooting fish in a barrel." This **** just pisses me off. That's not cute or funny. That's downright offensive giving the message to such young girls that it is okay to exploit men for free shwag.

  17. you're the one watching, i don't have time for that c**p!

    perhaps it's context, audience, whatever...

    which one do you cheer? boo? does that show your inferiority complex??

    your hypocrisy about this makes me giggle....

  18. Not hard to understand. We have made being a woman  equivalent to a minority or a disadvantaged person.

  19. They want the majority of the audience both at home and in studio to agree.  The majority are women.  Unfortunately society is biased and hasnt gotten it through their heads that woman already have millions of rights (many more than men do research) But yet if you say something ilke "men are smarter than women (which may be true in some aspects of life) then you immediately get shut down.

  20. Because the feminist culture has gone beyond what they initially intended to do which was keep women from being marginalized and instead have fostered an environment where women are better than men.  It has gotten to the point that women make up more of those going to college etc.  Doesn't mean that women aren't still marginalized though, but it isn't the right away to rectify that situation.

  21. How come you watch talk shows? I don't know if this sort of statement has ever been made because I don't watch these shows.

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