
WHY is my daughter is still soiling herself at 7?

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My daughter will be 7 next month and is still soiling herself.

When she was 4 I thought it could be encopresis and did my research, kept diaries, saw consultants (who first told me to try regular toilet times, drinking pure juices) then about a year later another consultant prescribed Movicol, tried that, made it worse, completely uncontrolable, even with one sachet. Another year on the prescribed Movicol again, this time it did nothing what so ever, she just soiled herself as usual.

We're tried star charts, rewards, presents, days out, taking her favourite toys away, making her clean herself up, sending her to bed, not letting her out to play, no sweets, no TV, no DS.........the list is endless.

She is quite happy to sit/play in dirty clothes (the other day it was all up her back, up her front, down her legs and she didn't care), and if she needs a wee, she's go to the toilet completely ignoring the fact that she has soiled herself.

She is not constipated, she goes once a day, it's nice and soft (Number 4 on Bristol Stool chart) and it doesn't hurt when she goes.

When she does go on the toilet, I make a HUGE fuss, give her treats and extra long cuddles which she likes.

She has admitted to not going when she needs to, but why won't she just go?

Last week she was at my sisters all day whilst I was at work. I sent her each day in a skirt with no underwear on. She was clean all day and went to the toilet whenever she needed to go, cleaned herself and carried on playing. Today she had dance practice so obviously she had to wear underwear. When she got home she had a small mark in her underwear (indicating she didn't go straight away when she needed to go). The after she'd played outside for a while and had dinner I caught a smell of something..........she'd completely filled her undewear and it smelt like a farm - seriously. So I cleaned her up and sent her to bed.

One particular time I was sitting at the dinner table (writing) whilst she was colouring next to me and I smelt something. She was only stood there pooing and colouring at the same time.

She is a happy girl, has plenty of exercise (tap dancing, ballet, stagecraft, gymnastics, disco dancing, swimming) she loves PE at school, has LOADS of friends at school. She eats a very healthy diet, and drinks a lot squash/water.

Her little brother was clean and dry day and night at 2 yrs 4 months. Now 3, he has now begun to notice and comes up to me telling me that he can smell her.

One of my daughter's friends who we see outside of school always tells me that she thinks my daughter has soiled herself (and she's always right)

I'm worried that she'll have no friends before long as eveyone will notice she smells and what she does.

I get so frustrated 4 days being clean then as soon as she wears underwear she soils......she thinnks it's a nappy i'm sure. I've threatened nappies but it didn't work.

I've run out of ideas! Help!




  1. your daughter may have blatter control problem she will stop i mean hey! i am 11 going on 12 and i still soil and the bed just motivate her and dont let her eat or drink at 7pm just hang in there it will be ok dude.

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