
WHY is my wife snappy/moody/etc.Someone please give me an extensive answer.?

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My wife was getting close to this guy at church that she was workn with for some projects. I called her out on it as she was texting him alot n erasing messages n claiming she did it cause her phone gets full fast so she has to erase messages etc. We would be at his place and she would invite him to sit next to her n not near the tv as he would mess up his eyes, and at his place too as he left to go to the store to get somethings n left us his guests in the hse for 20 minutes, wife n him were texting. She said she was just texting him to bring things for a salad that she wanted to make, anyway those texts were erased too.Anyway we talked about it n she told him that her n him need to stop textn calling so much as im not comfortable with that. He has a girlfriend too.N everything has been okay for 4 days since she told him that they need to stop the closeness cause he has a gf n she is married.Today the church group has left for outta state for the weekend n she wanted to go but couldnt get days off work.This guy was also part of the group but is going too with his girlfriend.My wife has been moody since last night coz she couldnt go. Today all i heard from her is how she wished we could go.She was suggesting we drive to florida to join the group(7 hr drive) sunday morning n spend the day out of state n night too n come back monday. Im like why spend all this gas money for a 1 day vacation? 14 women have gone on the trip n 3 men.So i dunno if shes just moody cause she wanted to really go for the trip or cause of what/? But shes neglecting me now for 2 days emotionally and being snappy with me.Can someone explain this to me? Is she missing the trip n wishes she rfeally went n thats y shes snappy? Or is it cause she wanted to e in thsi guys company( his girlfriend is gone too with him n the group) so what would be the logic here? Last night she snapped at me for talking on phone loudly in room as she was getting to sleep and rudely asked me to leave the room. She says she was very tired.But she did not even shower before sleeping, and no matter how tired my wife is, she always showers before sleep.She wasnt even looking at me in the eye.its like i had done something to her.And this all started Thursday night( the night before the group left).I feel like shes not happy in this marriage or that this church group is offering her more happinness than me.Whats going on?




  1. It sounds like your wife may have a thing for this guy. There is obviously some problems in your relationship that you two need to sit down and discuss. Your wife sounds like she is very unhappy. Do you two talk at all? You both need to get this out in the open,ask her why she is so unhappy. Ask her why she is so obsessed with this guy. I really dont think its the church group,its him. It really is time to talk about this. Good Luck.  

  2. It appears to me that she really like this guy and is jealous of his girl friend for going on the trip and she couldn't go with him.  And that is why she has been so grumpy.

    I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      so close to the opposate  

  3. did you tell how you really feel. sit down and talk to her ask her whats really going on? you see all of these changes....hear her out!  

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