
WHY is prostitution and pimping illegal? isnt it YOUR choice?

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why let some MEN tell yall what to do if you want to sell YOUR body then it should be FINE!




  1. Yes, by all means.  You should have the right to rent yourself out if you really want to.  It's such a tragedy that it's illegal. :(

    (sweetie, if you wanna be the next Deuce Bigalow, I'm not gonna stop you)

  2. The reason it is illegal is because the government can't tax that money. Hence, there are legal brothels in Nevada, where they are taxed and regulated.

  3. Many things are illegal that are your choice - pot, cocaine, not wearing a seatbelt. It's because we don't live in an anarcharistic society, and we have to balance up free will against protection from harm. In countries where it is illegal, the Governments fear legalising it will cause more boys and girls to enter a proffession where they are extremely vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. There is an arguement that if legal it could be controlled, but this is unlikely to be totally true (cost-cutting - it's easier to exploit girls and boys than pay full wages) and may actually make it easier for people to get away with abuse. Furthermore, it is a proffession they would like to reduce as much as possible rather than encourage (it's not really a career, is it?). There are also for many (not all) the psychological harm of prostitution. It's a contentious issue, if you feel that strongly about it, move somewhere where it's legal.

  4. The political process has decided (the citizenry) over time to make prostitution illegal because the state has a compelling interest in stopping the spread of desease, and the vices that come along with the prevalence of prostitution.

    Since the political process has already dealt with the "Why's" as the laws were being developed, maybe the burden of proof should be on those who say it shouldn't be illegal; to argue why it SHOULD be legal, and to do their homework and learn the arguments that already have been presented for and against.

  5. pimping should be illegal because often time they force girls into prostitution even if they dont wanna do it!! and usually prostitutes are abuse by thier pims so, yea pimpin should be illegal. as for prostitution, wow it is pathetic but like you said its thier choice so no that shouldnt be!

  6. Yes it's your choice and you have to live with the consequences  it shouldn't be illegal it's your body you should be able to do as you please unfortunately we have people  who want to expand government and control our lives. 1 of them happens to be obama.

  7. Prostitution I can understand. Pimping no. How would you like some one tell you how and when you worked then took 90% of your money and abused you too. At least where it is legal it is regulated and the women are more protected.  Yes there is a place in the USA where it is legal.

  8. You're right, it's your life, do what you want. I wouldn't recommend a job like that though just for the record.

  9. Government can't tax it.

  10. In countries where sexual relations are permitted ; i don't think it is right to ban prostitution . actually it should be organized as an important business . men should be able to have sexual intercourse for money if they wanted as long as there are women or men who will provide it willingly .

    prostitution has been banned more likely because of sexually transmitted diseases . which is different now and maybe as well ; because of women getting pregnant .

  11. here in NV it is legal, work one week on in the cat house one week off, for the time they work they aren't aloud ti leave for the risk of catching an std, they get checked out by a Dr. clean bill of health, back to work, hmm, 12 hour shift, 8 guys? times 7 days, 56 guys in a week, 112 per month, and you ask ,as part of the small talk, ...........really only six months, cool.

  12. It's not about you.  It's about the women who don't choose to stay in the business, but can't because they're drug addicts or abused by pimps.  This isn't a fun way of life for most hookers.

  13. NO , how do you think women like to get beat up and abused emotionally , economically and physically by those stupid pimps ?

    They do it , cuz maybe they have mouthes to feed at home , single mothers with no proper education  need to do whatever they can in order to survive!

  14. well i wouldnt say it dosent hurt anybody.....with prostitution being illegal the woman arent required to be tested for AIDS/HIV/STD, like other countries that have legal prostitution along streets(i wanna say brothel like places,where the woman are standing in front of a window) in which they have too be tested with illegal prostitues having s*x with so many partners she might be spreading stds to other ppl,who might be married and pass it to their spouse and so on.......and could you really ever see the government fund or/and support prostitution and pimping ???....and with any job you need to be able to file taxes....and how can you convince ppl to tax s*x?...........i -mean you can always become a stripper-where  you are at least around security guards,and you control what can/cannot happen.................and with america founded under christian beliefs using your body with s*x to get money is a sin, alot of ppl feel its wrong.

  15. I think prostitution should be legal, prostitutes should have to be licensed and should be allowed to operate out of licensed premises.

    There was an aburd case in the eighties here in the UK, a woman called Cynthia Payne was convicted of keeping a 'disorderly house' i.e. a brothel, in south London.  She was doing no harm, the women who worked for her were there of their own accord, they were not being forced into the work or anything, i think the whole thing was ridiculous.

  16. As long as it is taxed and regulated, I have no problem with it.

  17. It's nothing to do with gender as you get both male and female prostitues. But it's illegal for the simple reason that it is unsafe. I believe it should be made legal so it can be monitored. If someone wants to do it that's fine, but so many people go into because they are homeless and you are fogetting that a LOT of prostitues are children.

  18. Probably because the government can't collect their taxes off of it. It's kind of difficult to tell a "john", "Sir there's a 7% tax on blowjobs!"

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