
WHY is there so much concern about "wasting" water? I THOUGHT-->?

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I thought that water was a "renewable resource", which meant that we will never run out of it... Think about it: When we let the water running when we brush our teeth, that water that we are supposedly "wasting" goes down the drain and don't they treat it with chemicals to use as more clean water?? I don't understand why people keep talking about things like future generations not having enough water because of our wastefulness.....why do people think we will one day run out of water??




  1. uhh search a similat question in the discover section 4 yahoo, cuzi just answered 1 that waz worded xactly like this 1

  2. To put the current amount of water in perspective for you, less than one half of 1% of all water on Earth is fresh water for human use. The rest is sea water or frozen in polar ice caps.

    The problem isn't the AMOUNT of water available, it's the unequal access to that water - 31 countries face water scarcity - that's 31 too many.

    We as Americans should conserve water so that countries and areas of the world that greatly need it will have the chance to get it. Honestly, we don't NEED 20 minute showers, we don't NEED to leave the water running as we brush our teeth. There are some parts of the world that don't have adequate drinking water... much less bathing water.

    Basically, it's our responsibility to conserve water use because there are so many more countries that would kill for a truly clean sip of water free of impurities (an action many take for granted). We should conserve our own water so that other areas who lack it can have access to a supply as well.

    The water will never run out in America, but it's already missing in other parts of the world because of our overuse.

    Here are some easy ways to preserve water:

    1.) Don't use your toilet as a wastebasket or flush it unnecessarily. Toilets consume a quarter of our municipal water supply and use 40% more water than needed.

    2.) Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.

    3.) Keep a bottle of drinking water in the fridge. Don’t run your tap for cold water... and don't forget to finish the bottle before you open another.

    4.) Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when they have a full load.

    5.) Check pipes and faucets for leaks and get them fixed. Many homes lose more water from leaky taps than they need for cooking and drinking.

    6.) Install low-flow shower heads and flow-restrictions on faucets. A 5-minute shower with a standard shower head uses 100 liters of water while a low-flow shower head uses 35 liters of water.

    7.) Water your lawn every third day or less and water during the cool times of the day.

    8.) Sweep patios and sidewalks, don’t hose them off.

    And some great resources for further information:





    Clean water shouldn't be a privilege; it should be a right.

  3. "wasting water" has nothing to do with future generations.

    it has to do with how much water will be available to farmers this year and next.

    it you would post a link indicating where your question / information came from, it would help.

    and this year, in calif, there's a serious water shortage.

  4. the water goes to the sewer where the toilet drains too the water is 99.8 % pure when its done and only 2% of earths water is fresh the rest is salt

    and its expensive to de-salinify  -take the salt out

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