
WHY is there so much of it?

by  |  earlier

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OMG i typed in fat chick in google (just for laughs) and i came up with like 48942589425 sites saying "fat chick s*x" "hot fat chicks"

i mean WTF why is there so much p**n on the internet.

do u watchh p**n??




  1. p**n is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the Internet is one of it's main arteries.

    There is so much p**n on the Internet because there is so much demand.

  2. For good or ill, p**n is the biggest business on the 'Net. The money paid to Telcos for the bandwidth used by the p**n sites, actually helps to subsidise the cost of the Internet infrastructure that we all use.

    Restrictions on that area would mean higher costs, and an erosion of the informational freedoms that the Internet has made accessible to a large number of the earth's inhabitants.

    Can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, I guess :-)

    As for your second question, yes, I have looked at some, but it's not my prime focus on the 'Net (not by a long shot!). Don't forget that the second strongest urge in mankind, is s*x, but some do like it strange :-\

    Enjoy the good things the 'Net has to offer, and don't dwell on the dark side - it's there in every endeavour that mankind has ever undertaken.

    Be alert, but don't be alarmed  

  3. people are pigs. that's all men and lesbians want to see. girls without respect for themselves and stupid males.

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