
WHY wify mad that i din't take our dishes for like 20secs but when she leaves clothes all about the bedroom?!?

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WHY wify mad that i din't take our dishes for like 20secs but when she leaves clothes all about the bedroom?!?




  1. maybe u should find another wifey!!

  2. What?? I'm going to attempt to answer this question even though I'm not sure what it is your asking?  Maybe she doesn't notice that it bothers you that she leaves clothes in the bedroom. Maybe you should tell how you feel about it and work it out.

  3. women are complicated believe me i know i am and my husband would agree with me on that. but the dishes may not be what she is mad about it maybe something tottally different but the dishes are a way of getting the anger out. just sit down with her and yall have a good heart to heart talk tell her what bothers you and then listen when she tells you what bothers her that you do. then yall try to not do the things that bother each other. marriage is about giving and taking. you have to give as much as you take  

  4. Sometimes adults act like children. They are easy to focus on others faults instead of there own. the 2 of you should sit down when not annoyend with each and talk..What I mean by that is each of you really listen to what the other one says, then talk. A couple is a unit. They need to work as a team..Each should have chores to do, without complaining. State what needs to be done. Who is better and doing what. Then divide them up. If all clothes are not in the hamper, then they don't get washed. If the dishes are not taken over in a timely manner, then they will not get washed. As we teach our children to be polite, that should carry over to the adults. For example say to your wife hon I will change the sheets for you, would you please gather up the clothes in here to put in the hamper for laundry tomorrow..She should say to you hon, the next time you go in the kitchen would you please bring me the dishes..Adults like to be asked and not told what to do. Adults like a thank you after something is done. Communication, communication...

  5. take them where out to dinner off the table so what tell get over it a lot of men wouldn't clear the table at all

  6. maybe shes on the rag?


    could be alot of things......alot!!!

  7. huh? :~

  8. Because she only sees your flaws

  9. We woman are difficult >:D Our goal is to frustrate men to the point of hatin women thus turning the world g*y.

    No, you're wife sound like a whiner.

  10. Women are weird.  What did you say about the dirty clothes. Tell her to pick up her clothes.  I don't know why she is mad did you forget to do something.  Leave her alone we usually get over it.  It's gross to leave clothes laying around.  Get your own room, just kidding.  

  11. It's not the dishes. It's really your spelling that's upsetting her.

  12. that 20 secs was probally longer than you thought because you were concentrating on something else while she was trying to talk to you

  13. Where were you going to take the dishes for 20 seconds.! Do you mean wash the dishes. If she leave cloths all over the floor and you don't wash dishes then just get a maid and she will be happy and you won't have to deal with the dishes.

  14. because people are weird.

  15. Wifey boss.  "Don't do as I do, do as I tell You"?

  16. If this is the worst problem of your day - then I congratulate you on your charmed and wonderful life!

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