

by  |  earlier

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omg, i think im getting strep. but im not sure. how do i tell? like my throat hurts suuupperr bad. but it might just be a cold. cause my nose is a little stuffy. helpppp! i only think its strep because alotttt of ppl in my school have it




  1. go to the doctor.

  2. Get to the doctor as soon as you can. Strep can progressively get worse very fast. Not a good idea to wait it out if you even have a little suspicion that it's strep.

    But if your nose is stuffy, chances are it's not. You're not congested at all with strep.

  3. what you do is look in the mirror open your mouth and use a flashlight to see if there are white bumps in the back of your throat.

    if there, are, you have strep. im serious.

  4. don't worry even if you do have it it's not like it's pneumonia you'll be fine, drink lots of water and a little coke (it helps seriously) then you need to make a doctors appoment asap

  5. a unique trait of strep throat is your tongue turns you know how when you wake up in the morning and your tongue is white on top...well that's how your tongue should look all day with strep

  6. Don't worry!! I'm a Doctor!!!!!

    In Fashion

  7. step is contageous in the first 24 hrs of contact and usually you have to drink after someone. something along that way. You usually have white little sores in the back of your throat. like canker sores and your lymph nodes in your neck will hurt. so, if you've been in contact with anyone that has had it within the first 24 hrs. of them being diagnosed with it you may contact it. It can be air borne. Don't panic quite yet. it's that time of year that flu/colds are common. Flu shots are avail. I'd check with a doctor first. Good luck hope you feel better soon. Tackling sinus infection and I'm wiped out trying to take care of my toddler. Man it's rough.  

  8. ugh I just got over that.

    Dont worry you only just have

    a bad cold or a minor case of

    influenza but it well be gone in

    less than a week!

  9. i think you have strep check for a fever even if you dont have a fever you might still have strep!

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