
WHat To DO WIth Long Mane?!?

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Okay, So i am probably aking this TB who is 18 to a show and doing th hunters and his mane is 1 foot and a bit long ( I lke them short) so i asked him owners if they wil le my pull it to hunter length (4 iinches). But if they dont let me ( i REALLY hope they do) what are some other stles of braids that woul dbe acceptable at a hunter show?

Its just a schooling sho but my coach doesnt allow m to go to shows without being braided!

Thanks ( pics would be awesome but if not available thats okay)




  1. Button Braid it!!

    It will be a fat button but it will pull it up. You braid 1inch sections, roll them, then close them off by putting a string through the middle. For more detailed directions. go here -

    it also has other braiding techniques.

  2. Pulling it works. There's another way with a ravor blade but it makes the mane really thick. I hope this helps. I'm not really good with braids so, hope this helps.(agian.)

  3. Braid it but you really need to learn how to SPELL, dang

  4. A Lattice braid would work nicely for a day of flat classes. If you do any over-jumps class, a french braid could work. Just google for information on either, on how to braid them. they are rather easy. you can even try and google : Haflinger horse. and find one of the websites at the top of the page and scroll down to their "braiding" section. it gives some pictures and how to do it.

  5. you can do what is called a 'running braid' or a french braid. you start at the top and add strands from the mane as you go along, keeping it tight against his crest. its simple and it stays. i do this with my horses if im just taking them for schooling. you can google image search 'horse mane french braid' and you might have some good results. it looks decent and as i said, it stays.

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