
WHat are the milestones for a 3 year old boy?

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He just turned 3 but he seems a little delayed to me. He can count to 10 , knows all shapes,almost all letters , but for some reason can't learn any colors .He speaks 3-4 words sentence only . Is this what he should do for his age?




  1. well he might be a little color blind!!!!!

    you can test that out but yhea that could be a possibility!

  2. its possible that he may be color blind. But only way to check that is to wait a while till he can take a test for it from a doctor. as for the rest of it that all sounds completly normal to me.

  3. We really worry alot about these things especially with our first child. What does his pediatrician say? They see so many children that asking them is usually the best way to set your mind at rest. The fact is that all children develop different skills at different rates and those "milestones" you refer to are only guidelines based on very general averages, and by no means written in stone symptoms of IQ or deficiencies. He sounds fine to me, but talk to the doctor to know for sure.

  4. I don't think there are any set milestones. I think boys don't "mature" as fast as girl, pretty sure this is scientifically proven. I would be worried if he can't speak by the time he's four. Maybe he should be tested, autism maybe?

  5. 3 year old developmental milestones/norms:


    - Sense of time will become much clearer; he/she will know their own daily routine and will try hard to work out routines of others. The child will understand that special events, such as birthdays happen every once in a while- but he/she will have no real sense of the length of a year.

    - He/she is showing more reasoning skills and asking questions such as ‘why’.

    - He/she plays imaginatively – playing in the home corner, dresses up. By the time children are three years old they can concentrate for a short time.


    - The average child should be able to remember past experiences and describe these to you, listen to stories, be able to give full name, age, and s*x. Vocabulary of around 1,000 words – but still some mispronunciation.

    - Use pronouns I, you, me correctly

    - Is using some plurals and past tenses

    - Knows chief parts of body and should be able to point to these if not name them

    - Handles three word sentences easily

    - Understands most simple questions dealing with his/her environment and activities

    - Able to reason out such questions, as "Are you sleepy/hungry/cool/thirsty?"

    - Should be able to state his/her gender, name, age

    PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT (Gross motor) -

    - Jumps from bottom step with 2 feet together.

    - Can walk upstairs & down carrying a large toy.

    - Rides tricycle using pedals.

    - Can walk on tiptoe.

    - Can catch large ball on or between extended arms.


    - Builds tower of 9/10 cubes.

    - Threads large wooden beads on show lace.

    - Draws person with head & usually indication of 1 or 2 other features/parts.

    - Enjoys painting with large brush on easel.

    - Cuts with toy scissors.


    - Imitates adults & playmates

    - Spontaneously shows affection for familiar playmates

    - Can take turns in games

    - Understands concepts of ‘mine’ and ‘his/hers’.


    - Expresses affection openly

    - Expresses a wide range of emotions

    - By age of 3, separates easily from parents

    - Objects to major changes in routine

  6. to have a loving environment that is not emotionally changing based on intellectual comparisons with other children or ideals.  i have six year old autistic children that NEVER MOVED OR MADE A SOUND develop suddenly and miraculously when their environment became simply based on loving and appreciating them as living beings (also lots of real music).

    you mindset is your child's self idea and developmental guide.

    I am almost forty and i almost never speak a forty word sentence. He is ahead of me.

  7. My son was nearly the same. he is 3 1/2 and can count to 20, knows some of his alphabet, can pick the letters of family members names, can recite several books and knows his name as well as he dads, brothers and my FULL name. He is just learning his colours now. I think they learn what they are interested in, and really they can only take so much in. Don't be too worried that he doesn't know colours he will in time and while he is still learning other things I wouldn't be concerned about delays.

    As for his speech, maybe he doesn't need to say more then that at a time. If he can hear what you say to him and he knows what he wants to say don't worry.

    To much pressure can make it worse for you and him.

    Relax, enjoy and focus on the progress he is making in other areas, the rest will fall into place soon enough.

  8. It actually sounds like he is pretty advanced for a boy that just turned 3.  He may know some of his colors, you may just be asking him the wrong way to get him to respond.  My daughter would not name her colors at this age but if you sat colored blocks in front of her and told her to hand you the blue one etc... she would do that.

  9. hopefully he isn't colorblind, speach could be delayed, but doesn't have to be related to intellegents. he seems intellegent in other areas. have him checked out by your pediatrician to be sure.

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