
WHat are the religious implications of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

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I really just want to know what religious implications are.




  1. Not much really, if you read his book, you will see that he is in awe of nature and takes for granted that you know that nature is God.  He is not telling the reader that they have to accept but says "this is what I have figured out and why." Giving you the right to go along with it or not. It is more like he is saying, do we understand the Adam and Eve story correctly. The creation story comes from a religion that does not and has not written everything down so that only the holy can discuss the matter.

  2. Clearly, the "each species was created, in its present form" all at once (nearly) is just false.

    Other than that, that's for each person to decide for themselves. You might want to read The God Delusion, and Darwin's Dangerous Idea -- to get one view. (The second book is a bit of a brain-breaker, but well worth the intellectual work.)

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for making me think :) You may want to check out the links to find out about the arguments going on about how Darwin's theory suggest that there is no God.

    Personally, I think that the force that allows natural selection to happen and evolution to happen is God. Of course, others may not agree.  

  4. Having grown up in a Christian household of scientists there was no conflict between Darwin's theories and religion. My family interpreted the "On the first day God created" to mean he created nature and the days were "periods of time" not actual 24 hour periods. And "In his own image" means imagination which may have included evolution, not that we look like God looks.

    I can only answer from the Judeo-Christian perspective since that's what I've experienced. It would be interesting to hear from an Eastern perspective.

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