
WHat dOes tHiS mEan ?!?

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can u tell me a little about

cancer venus in midheaven

and aries mars in the 7th house.




  1. Cancer Venus in the MC: career in service or a big mom or taking care of someone or something that's really BIG. Cook? Maybe an actress too.

    Aries Mars 7th house: aggressive sporty or physical mates, or a mate that is SUPER SMART but a big BABY.

  2. Venus conjunct Midheaven:

    At its best, this placement means that you are full of love and affection for others, but at the same time you can followyour own path and attract only those who are able to go along with you. You will be well liked because you can be yourself without feeling that you must live up to other people's ideas of what you should be. This aspect may also mean that you have considerable artistic ability, although there should be other indications in your chart to confirm that. Certainly you enjoy and appreciate beauty, and you are able to bring beauty into your everyday life. You enjoy peace and harmony and get along very well with others. Wherever you go you create a peaceful atmosphere. Your relationships with your parents, as well as other authorities, such as teachers and employers, should be excellent. The key element in your ability to get along with others is that you are true to yourself and fair to others. This placement may indicate a career involving either beauty and art or human relations - that is, getting people to work easily together. Or your career might be in entertainment in some field in which you make people feel good and lighthearted. In any career, your ability to get along easily with people will be an important part of your success.

    Venus in Cancer:

    Venus in Cancer indicates a very sensitive, warm-hearted, protective, affectionate, and deeply emotional romantic nature. For general well-being and emotional security you require a safe home and a loving family. In romance your super-sensitive feelings are vulnerable to the least slight - you are very fragilein this area thus easily hurt. Your lack of romantic self-confidence requires that your partner demonstrate constant affection and devotion. Your moodiness, sentimentality, and tendency to sulk could present some problems, but on the whole, you are the ideal marriage partner int that you cherish your home and family, seeking a stable and affectionate domestic life.

    Mars in Aries:

    Mars in Aries strengthens the martial side of your nature - you assert yourself in a forceful, courageous, aggressive, competitive, independent, positive, enterprising, and self-assured manner. Primarily, these qualities are used for personal goals that serve your own ego needs. You desire to make a mark on the world, and cut your own path in life. There is an incessant drive for action and accomplishment. You find it easy to take the intiative and motivate others to 'get things done'. Many projects are started but few are successfully completed. There is a love of sport and other physical games. On occasion you can be impatient, aggressive, and quick tempered. The s*x urge is quite strong, driven by powerful emotional passion.

    Mars in the seventh house:

    With mars in the seventh house, you are likely to exert your energy and intiative in active co-operation with others as associates or in partnerships of some kind. You can be aggressive and forceful in intimate relationships, or marry someone with this natural temperament. An early marriage is possible and your energy and passion will ensure a happy, demonstrative, and rewarding s*x life. You are likely to gain popularity, social success, money or property through your marriage partner. With this placing of mars, it is important to be restrained in all dealings with associates, business partners, and the opposite s*x. If your aggressive nature becomes dominant there is danger of trouble and loss through public opposition, unpopularity, damaged relationships, female enmity or litigation.

    Hope this helped.

  3. Well i will break it all down..

    Cancer Venus:

    Venus in Cancer indicates a very sensitive, warm-hearted, protective, affectionate and deeply emotional romantic nature. For general well-being and emotional security you require a safe home and a loving family. In romance, your super-sensitive feelings are vulnerable to the least slight - you are very fragile in this area, thus easily hurt. Your lack of romantic self-confidence requires that your partner demonstrates constant affection and devotion. Your moodiness, sentimentality and tendency to sulk could present some problems, but on the whole, you are the ideal marriage partner in that you cherish your home and family, seeking a stable and affectionate domestic life.

    Aries Mars:

    Mars in Aries strengthens the martial side of your nature - you assert yourself in a forceful, courageous, aggressive, competitive, independent, positive, enterprising and self-assured manner. Primarily, these qualities are used for personal goals that serve your own ego needs. You desire to make a mark on the world, and cut your own path in life. There is an incessant drive for action and accomplishment. You find it easy to take the initiative and motivate others to 'get things done . Many projects are started but only a few are successfully completed. There is a love of sport and other physical games. On occasion you can be inpatient, aggressive and quick-tempered. The s*x urge is strong, driven by powerful emotional passion. Good lovemaking requires that you feel dominant and in total control.

    Mars in the 7th house:

    With Mars in the Seventh House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative in active co-operation with others as associates or in partnerships of some kind. You can be aggressive and forceful in intimate relationships, or you may marry someone with this natural temperament. An early marriage is possible and your energy and passion will ensure a happy, demonstrative and rewarding s*x-life. You are likely to gain popularity, social success, money or property through your marriage partner. With this placing of Mars it is important to be restrained in all dealings with associates, business partners and the opposite s*x. If your aggressive nature becomes dominant there is danger of trouble and loss through public opposition, unpopularity, damaged relationships, female enmity or litigation.

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