
WHat do you think Hillary and Obama discuss in private?

by  |  earlier

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My guess is: I pay off the $10 Million you so foolishly spent (wlile complaining about fiscal irrresponsibility of others) from all the money I have collected from millions of fools and I will throw in a cabinate leve post for you . You in turn, foole the 17.5 million you have fooled once, one more time and get them to vote for me.




  1. to see how he can get her votes to go to him in the general election i think its plian and simple. he needs all the votes he can get look who he is running against  everyone loves a war hero or want the pres. to have been in the army  or military to show how much they are devoted to this sum it all up there were talking about strategies on how to win the general election and she beggining to be his running mate dang the clintons realy want to be back in the white house .

  2. Yeah, they discussed her campaign debt.  He gets her support in exchange for paying off her debt.

    Two words would convice Obama to do it, too:  "third party".

  3. The size of the bribe he will pay her to quit.

  4. beg the clintons not to have him bumped off.

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