
WHat does my Mother in law need so she can apply for her husband of 30 years' SSI?

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SHe's was married for 30 years to this man but were only technically together for 1 year he refused to give her the divorce and she didn't have the money to continue fighting he's deceased and needs to know how to go about getting his pension...I know it sounds awfull but anyway how canshe do this..




  1. She does not have to do anything.  It may take a few months or so, but Social Security will find HER and automatically start sending her the checks.  I know, because it just happened to my Mother - she just started getting my Dads SSI - and she did not think she was even entitled to it!   Pension and SSI are NOT the same thing - you either get a pension from your work pension fund OR you get SSI.  

    Make SURE Social Security has her current correct address - that you should be able to do on the internet - you have to have her number - you might also be able to check on his account too.

  2. Wow, you already know how it sounds, thats umm low very scum of the earth type low.

    However, as far as the SSI she would need to take a copy of her marriage license and a copy of his death certificate down to the social security office and they will take it from there.

    Far as the pension, if his place of employment knew they were married then she is already provided for in the event of his death and they are probably wondering how to get ahold of her since they probably have no idea where she is residing these days.  So she would need to go to his place of employment and contact someone in human resources about it, a copy of the marriage certificate and death certificate would probably be needed here too.

    Since both of those documents are public records it shouldnt be too hard to obtain.

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