
WHat is tHe aVeRagE rAte oF mAsTuRbAtioN pEr dAy?

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jUSt wAnt to kNow if i fOlLow tHose aVerAge rATe oR i Am eXceediNg tHat my cAusE pAins aNd irritations ...tHaNks




  1. haha as many times as u want! its not bad for you.

  2. 1-4 but 2 or more day after day can cause itching/burning

  3. Max 3 times ...try to regulate your urges otherwise you become a manic...Get a girlfriend or girlfriends to help you release your sexual desire

  4. Can you please type normal...? Thank you...

    There is no average rate of masturbation; every one is different. HOWEVER, I'd say the average for teenage males is once or twice a day.

  5. depends on age

  6. depends your age, if ur in ur say 2 times a day can b average but ev nw and then u have those horny days and u do it like a ton of times...or if ur just bored

  7. once a day

  8. Jackinworld did a survey of its readers and obtained the following results:

    Average Masturbation Frequencies by Age:

    11: 11.1 times per week

    12: 9.4

    13: 10.6

    14: 10.6

    15: 9.9

    16: 9.6

    17: 9.4

    18: 8.5

    19: 9.3

  9. I just started like 1 week ago and all my body can seem to take is 3x a day.

  10. Average for teen males is about 3 times a day, for older males a bit more than 1 -- but I've known males who have averaged 6 with no problems.  Use lube if you are getting irritated.  Pains are simply not caused by masturbation.

    Kind thoughts,


  11. there is no average guys are guys and some do go for several a day but I guess it depends on the amount of time they have or where they have access to go at it.  Like most guys they usually go at it in the shower so parents then know that their little boy is growing up.  So you decide how many times you feel you need to m********e.  Once this behavior tends to take a major part in the guys time it has become an issue and should be assessed by a therapist.  You know when to to release any stress or sexual pressure so there is no average.  

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