
WHat kind of streetbike/motorbike should i buy?

by  |  earlier

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I am female, about 120 pounds, and 17... I love the look of streetbikes and I understand that it would be in my best interest to buy one that isnt too powerful considering I am going to be learning how to ride.. Knowing all this haha i still want a fast one, that looks awesome and am looking to pay only about 8-10 grand, what kind of bikes should i look at? thanks.




  1. I would suggest the Hyosung 650 as it is restricted and when you get off you P plates the get the restrictor taken off, they look good and they are brand new, your not paying 7 grand for something 5yeas old also they have a 250 cc. Nice looking bikes.

  2. buy a ninja 250 put the  5-7 grand you saved in a CD and ride the ninja for 2 years then take the money you saved buy  a 600cc bike. the ninja 250 is plenty quick for a novice rider and you will need the time learning to to ride and how a bike behaves in different is much wiser to learn to ride on a 250 than to have to worry about getting into trouble that only experience can get you out of.. or would have kept you from getting into in the first place....and regardless of the bike you buy... take a safety class....

  3. Sorry, but you must have clicked the wrong section, as this is the motorcycle RACING questions.

    Your question does not involve Racing so .....

    The best advice I can give you is you to post this question again.

    You would get a better response in....

    "Cars & Transportation"> "Motorcycles"

  4. Suzuki 650 Dual purpose is what I am buying my wife to ride along with me...I have a Kawasaki 900 LT Vulcan...she is not tall and needs a lighter bike with enough power to keep up

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