
WHat name would go with this nickname?

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I'm not having a baby or anything but what name could have the middle name Miley? Because I like the name Miley but as a nickname.

Any ideas?




  1. Christina Miley

    Malia Miley

    Larisa Miley

  2. I am thinking Hannah or Montana?

  3. miley anne or ann

  4. Here are some suggestions:

    Millicent, Mila, Miloslava, Milica, Miliana, Miliano, Myla.

    These are all 'established' names (i.e. I haven't just made them up), and you can look up their origins and meanings on these websites:

  5. In Hawaii, we have a girl's name that is pronounced like Miley Cyrus's name, but it is spelled Maile, which is the name of a fragrant leafy vine.  I guess Miley could also be the nickname for Malia, another Hawaiian name & coincidentally the name of Senator Obama's older daughter.

  6. wow thats a hard one to get a first name for.

    the first name would have to be something very simple.

    nothing longer than MILEY

  7. Well Miley is its own name so nothing really

    Myleen ?

    But nicknames for Miley are




    or just Miley


  8. um, what do you mean? T_T jk.

    miley goes good with lots of different names I guess.

    like...miley cyrus?

  9. Lame.i like spongebob squarepants,but im not gonna name my child that.

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