
WHat part of the world did the earliest civilazation begin?

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WHat part of the world did the earliest civilazation begin?




  1. The earliest civilization was in the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia.

    Sumerians were the first IIRC.

  2. The fertile crescent, Mesopotamia.  

  3. Mesopotamia or Ethiopia.

  4. Iraq. That area was once known as Mesopotania, before that, who knows what they called it.  

  5. kish,please read the book called  the 12 planet.

  6. The Sumarians settled in Mesopotamia so they could plant grain in order to brew BEER! So, all civilization was brought about due to BEER!!!

  7. Africa

  8. Africa from what I've heard.

  9. Humans first appeared in Africa and slowly migrated from there.

    And for the record, Egypt is part of the African continent too :)

  10. It depends upon how you define civilization.  The first humans appeared in Africa.  If you're talking about hunting/gathering tribes, that's your answer because all other humans descended from them and went on to populate other areas, including Mesopotamia.

    If you're talking about specific milestones of development, that's trickier. We had drawing on cave walls and tools long before any humans set foot in Mesopotamia. But most landmarks of modern civilization such as agriculture and pottery first developed in the Fertile Crescent.

  11. In current day Iraq, Mesopotamia, the Sumerians were the first known civilization. Sumeria was several hundreds of years older than Egypt. However, there may have been several unknown civilizations in Sundaland and off the coast of current day India before Sumeria. These unknown civilizations were inundated when the glaciers melted.

  12. Egypt is the earliest one that is known of.  

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