
WHat should i drink to get me sort of smashed, not tooo drunk but not more than being tipsy.....?

by  |  earlier

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So im 17 i weigh about 142 pounds, and im not a crazy drinker, i maybe get smashed about once a month , sometimes even less than that. SO what should i drink , preferrably in terms of liquor and not beer, to get me more than buzzed, but not to the point where im gonna pass out ??




  1. It's not WHAT you drink, it's how much you drink.  I guess you'll understand better when you are grown up.

  2. the best way to get to a certain level of intoxication is always beer because you take in less concentrated amounts of alcohol.  if i were to suggest a liquor for you to drink i would tell you vodka.  you can mix it with anything, its relatively cheap, and you won't get a killer hangover from it.  i'm in college and use to like whiskey, but switched to Absolut vodka.  my one suggestion is to drink it slowly until you get accustomed to liquor.  i went out with my sister one night when i was 16 and pounded a ton of Captain Morgan because i didn't feel drunk.  about an 2 hours later i was passed out cold.  avoid rum because all of the sugar will give you a hangover and avoid tequila because there isn't much that it mixable with.  hope this helped and party hard.

  3. beer

  4. first of all to the other people- it doesnt matter if u tell him he is underage hes still gonna drink it anyways!!! dont complain really we all started drinking at 13.

    and it is more about how much u drink. but dont take like 1 shot of a hard liquor and think it had no effect and take another one. if your going for coolers or something like that then it will take a few and be kinda a waste if ur just after getting smashed. i myself would have like a voldka and mix it with pop or something like that. one at a time tho. and not chug it otherwise it will just come right back up.

  5. You are under 21 so i'm not answering this question

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