
WHen do they get pets at petsmart?

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I went on Wensday and there was only one rat at PetsMart. I'm getting a rat on Saturday, im just wondering when they ship new rats in petsmart. They had alot of hamsters..but I want a rat..

thanks alot!




  1. I do not buy animals or support the buying of animals from PetsMart, they mistreat their animals especially rodents. There have been many reported cases of animal wrongdoings. One unlucky rodent was said to be sick so they put it in the back room, but a simple treatment would have returned it to good health and was left in the backroom for 3 days before it died, even when the managers were told it will die without treatment no one at the store helped the rodent. For more information visit

  2. order the rat online. or go to a reptile store because they might have rats cheaper.

  3. If you want a rat as a pet, I suggest you find a local breeder.

    Rodents at pet stores are often inbred and die quickly from mutations (which are often internal and go unnoticed) because they are mainly just feeder rats. =(

  4. Rat. That's different.

    But I'm guessing once a week.

  5. You will have to ask the people who work at Petsmart. One time i was looking for baby gerbils and they said they would get some in that Friday. I don't think there is a set day that they have animals arrive though.

  6. If you want the least hassle with your rat, you should check your local shelters, or petfinder, the animals there are already vet checked, are usually cheaper, they are healthy (petsmart's animals are always sick and infested with mites), and they are not inbred inless specified...Also, you will be saving an animal

    tip: get two, they are social

  7. What's wrong with that one rat they had? It needs a home too!

  8. Petsmart does not sell feeder rats. In fact, if someone indicates that they want a rat to be a feeder, they will not sell it to that person.

    They don't have specific times when they get the pets in. It depends on the amount of space available and when the Pet Care Manager decides to order more.

    EDIT: John, you should really try to find more sources than Peta for things like that. Do you also know that Peta routinely euthanizes animals that they have promised homes for, almost immediately after acquiring them? Visit for more information on that.

    I work in a Petsmart, and know for a fact that there is a strict policy about ill animals. Perhaps Peta investigated ONE store, and that particular store was likely badly managed, but that is not even close to the norm. I've been taking care of a mouse with an eye infection.. we've spent at least 3 times more than the amount we'll make when he's sold on vet trips and meds.

    Peta also did most of their investigating on Rainbow World Exotics, which they claim is Petsmart's supplier. Maybe some stores, but not the entire chain, and certainly not anymore.

    Sorry to rant, but it's irritating to be painted as an animal abuser. Pet stores have plenty of flaws and I always support adopting from rescues before buying, but the people who work there are not always monsters.

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