
WHere do 9/11 conspiracy theorists come from?

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One of them ( I believe he was from the UK) said, "you are a liar and a coward.

why can't you answer any of my objections ?

why do you seek to discredit anyone with an opinion different from yours ?"

I was like WTF, these morons have not given me any "objections" to answer. They refuse to believe anything i have to say, and instead they believe in edited youtube videos.




  1. "I am attending a US college" explains your lack of education, abysmal lack of analysis and total inability to quote from fact or historical context.

  2. Give it up - they are blind to valid and verifiable facts.

    Instead, they feed their delusion on half truths, op-blogs, fictional "documentaries," unreliable witnesses, out of context quotes, purposely omitted facts and over simplified conclusions.

    They're hopeless.

  3. ahahahahaha.You're all cattle-big fat burgers!!wait.cattle are intelligent.doesnt matter.go back to sleep.s***w the n.w.o

  4. lmao if you were any more boring youd be tunneling  

  5. It's called REALITY.

    On 9/11 bush & cheney both stood by and did NOTHING as the USA was attacked by terrorists and Americans were murdered.

    Which alternate universe do you inhabit where you saw george or d**k do ANYTHING to try and stop the attacks?

  6. I think most of them come from the crossbreeding of humans and monkeys. Certain people whom find it hard to find other humans willing to go anywhere near them, choose out of desperation to have intercourse with monkeys and have, half human half monkey babies. The end result is a race of humans who are slightly backward in evolution compared to the rest of us. Most of them tend to ramble on about the existence of things like pixies and believe just about anything any other half human half monkey person tells them. You can find many of them on Youtube miming away to their favourite pop songs. I believe a lot of them appear on Big Brother too. Most have an average IQ of around 40.

  7. Most of them come from their mothers' basements.

  8. Moonbatville!

  9. 9/11 conspiracy theorists have come from anywhere around the world from all different walks of life.  I think your question is pretty theoretical, but one possibility is that sometimes media coverage has holes in its stories.  And sometimes when there is a horrible travesty, it appears that some parties have gained from this horrible travesty.  When this happens some people tend to ask "WHY?".  This has happened with the 9/11 event, as well as many other events.  

  10. The government because what they told you that happened on 9/11 IS the conspiracy!  Do your own research the media is bought.

  11. According to Zogby over half the US wants Congress to "Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks".

    I know you don't really want to hear any evidence that suggests there may have been prior knowledge, so I won't waste my time. You can do your own research, but you won't. You're a follower and will gobble up anything your masters feed you. Enjoy the meal.

  12. some are in Europe and many are attending US colleges.  

  13. Generally from mom's basement and various conspiracy chatrooms.

  14. Decode this lyrics " Say you say me"

    Look in the real world.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Decode this lyrics " Knowing me knowing you"

    Luke 21.30-33

    What do you think?

  15. Washington or Oregon.  Isn't that where most liberal/anti-americans come from??

  16. they were born young earth creationists--not hard to figure they'd buy into any other silly story unsubstantianted by any rational facts.

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