
WHich hurts more: Punch to the head or a punch to the body?

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I would rather get hit in the head... my opinion




  1. Body shots are EASILY more painful. The head shots may be more damaging since you could be knocked out but then again, that means you won't feel the pain.

    The head is a hard shell so any pain you feel is either bone or skin - it goes away fast.

    A punch to the body will hit the muscle and bruise it. What makes the muscle even more painful is that you have to move it - it is after all, a muscle. When you move injured muscle, it hurts even more. The added bonus of a body shot is that certain locations like the liver or the solar plexus can knock the wind out of you and also hurt many other nerves. A proper body shot will knock you down and keep you paralyzed for a WHOLE MINUTE but you're still friggen awake! This is why body shots are so much more painful.

  2. I have had over 60 boxing matches and I can tell you from experience for me it is the body shot . Like most of you said a head shot numbs you abode good body shot is debilitating

  3. A punch to the body definitely hurts more.  A punch to the head doesn't really hurt but actually numbs your senses and sends you to dreamland.  LOL! But just the same, a hit on the head puts you in danger of suffering from pugilistica dementia, parkinson's or worse, brain damage so it ain't a joke to get hit on the head.

  4. a punch to de gut hurts worse

  5. It depends on where on the body. The back of the torso doesn't really hurt. But specific areas of the front are pressure spots, just like the temples of the head and are more dangerous and painful.

  6. well what hurts most may have nothing to do with what you rather have happen.

    example a stomach punch hurts like h**l but you would rather that than getting your eyebrow cut, which does not hurt much at all, but loses the fight for you.

    and a knockout punch does not hurt at all, you don't even feel it at the time.

    general 'painwise' the rule is the stomach hurts now, but the head hurts more the next day.

    however any bones like the ribs, chest or even top of the hips can hurt a lot more than the head the next day. they can even keep you in bed from the bruising.

  7. That depends if it is in amateur boxing or professional boxing. If amateur you have a helmet so body shots would probably hurt more. But in professional head would hurt more. Also, if you get hit in the head and get cut, then every hit from there on will hurt more and more, it will also give the ref reason to stop the fight.

  8. The punch that will knock you out are the ones that you don't see coming. I was hit in the face and the abs area, they both hurt, but the one that really got me is the shot to the LIVER.  I can't explain how it feels, I can't explain whether I want to p**p or pee.

  9. As far as physical pain a body shot hurts  much more than a head shot.

    A head shot numbs you so you don't really feel pain.

    A body shot can paralyze  you with pain.

    I am not talking about actual damage, just how it feels to get hit.

  10. gut and head

  11. gut

  12. Really a punch in the head is worse than a punch to the body! Because it can cause head damage and a punch to the body just causes bruises!

  13. me personally i would rather get hit in the body getting hit in the head for me just makes me even more angry

  14. A punch to the head definatly hurts more because you can stregthen your body to take a hit but you can't stregthen your skull!

  15. it depends.

    if you get hit in the liver is very painful , i would say  is less painful if you get hit in the head.

    if you are trying to be a boxer you should know that every time the oponent throws a hit to you ( face area ) you should put your forehead instead of your face.

  16. From experience, the bodyshots have bothered me more than the headshots. I've been dropped from a bodyshot in a match and it took d**n near two minutes to shake it off.

  17. The head or you should have said face.

  18. in a boxing fight when i get hit clean to the head  i dont feel the pain but i might get a daze for a second, if i get hit clean in the body i feel the pain instantly if i get punched in the belly clean,in the first round.. it would last until the fianl round or longer.. but maybe its because i need to do more situps lol...ive never been down in a fight, had a 1 or 2 standing counts but rather get hit in the head rather then the belly all day

  19. I have a tall, lean build. I'd prefer to get hit in the head than the body. If anyone knew anything about fighting, they'd know that there are way more vulnerable spots on the body than the head.

  20. I would rather somebody punch me in the stomach or body.

  21. I would have to say a punch to the body is more painful...Like they say: "beat the body and the head will die"  Naturally more permanent and possibly deadly damage can result from a head shot. Also the knockout itself is not painful.  You are put to sleep and that is painless. On the other hand I have never seen or heard of a TKO resulting from a body battering.  Thus, head shots are more dangerous but less painful then body shots.

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