
WHo has the MYMOBSTER program downloaded?

by  |  earlier

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Can you please tell me where I get the user id number!! I can see that it is in the URL but there are also letters and % in there. Am I just supposed to grab part of it?? Someone help I really need to add people. Thanks

Oh and YES I know the risk, warnings, blah blah blah, etc!! SO If you are gonna tell me its bad, delete it, don't use it, my account will be deleted, and so on and so on. PLEASE don't waste your time writing it. I don't care!

Serious answers from serious mymobster users thanks!




  1. Dont bother.. here is the latest and greatest..

    7:46:25 AM: Logged In! (userid: 19821855 :

    Loading your mobster stats, please wait  (10-15 sec)

    Myspace has banned the use of this program, It cannot retreive your stats

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