
WHo knows the technique for hitting the low approach shot from 60-100yds that takes 2 bounces and spins back..

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to the pin.




  1. You want to take a normal stance with a 56 or 58 degree wedge. Then, put it just back of center (like an inch) then lean forward so 90% of your weight is on your left foot. Then take a normal swing but throughout the swing make sure your weight stays the same, it should be an all arms swing, KEEP THAT BODY STABLE

  2. use your PW put ball inside heel for spin then let it rip.

  3. divot is in front of the ball

  4. I do.  But I'm not sharing.

  5. Ball back in your stance!

    Square grooves!

    The old Titleist Balata ball!

    And pray to God that it works!

    When you are able to do it, you will have a smile ear to ear.  I have only done it a few times, but I am a hack!

  6. First off .. you have to have the right equipment to spin the ball back. You also have to be playing on a receptive green, have the proper swing speed, and correct golf ball.

    One could argue you need good grooves to do this to, but thats that entirely true. Just make sure you keep your grooves clean.

    First off, dont "hit down" on the ball .. one .. this doesnt create backspin like many people assume .. two .. hitting down on the ball will not allow you to keep the ball low.

    If you normally hit a 56 wedge from 100 yards, take a 52, or pw and take your 3/4 swing. If I want to ball to spin a ton( like to a tucked pin), I focus on taking a very shallow divot (if any divot). Make sure above all else your hands stand in front of the ball at impact.  

    You must hit the ball square, about 2 grooves up on the face, have a ball that can spin (and that you can compress), and have a green that isnt the typical hard as a rock public golf course green.

  7. start with the ball on the inside of your right heel and try to smash the ball straight down into the ground. This is how you hit a punch shot. the ball stays low using this method and is hit with about a 3/4 swing and increases backspin.

  8. You'll hear it over and over, move the ball back in your stance.

    Here is the missing piece you likely won't hear:  Only Move One

    Foot.  To hit it low move your left foot forward, to hit it high move your right foot back.

  9. Well first you gotta have some swing speed and strength to pull off this shot, not to mention the right equipment.

    Its Easy

    Accelerate through the ball extremely fast.

    Make a short follow through.

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