
WHo should i choose my mom or my dad?

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I am currently a 14 yr old boy living with my mom, my parents divorced about 2 months ago and i was ready to move to a new school i thought fitting in would be no problem and i was super excited.. My mom and I have a great relationship i can talk to her about everything and she was my best friend, my dad on the other hand does not get along with me he is very strict and thinks that i should be this perfect kid and he is an alcoholic. we had our ups in downs through these hard months he got drunk and drove my dirtbike off a cliff i found him unconcous and saved his life and it opened his eyes for awhile.. but idont feel comfortable around him he is very uneasy and said many hurtful things to me.. Now about my MOM AGAIN, WHEN MY PARENTS WERE TOGETHER MY DAD WAS A HEAVY DRINKER AND MY MOM NEVER DRANk BUT MAYBE ONCE A YEAR. Now that we moved my mom the person who i could call my best friend and the only perso there for me is in the dating scene going to bars and im tired of it its hard being to new kid at school and not fitting in with all these kids who think fighting solves everything, but now my mom is ditching me for guys everynigght. I could live mith my dads mom my grandma but that would mean leaving my mom and mooving back. What do i do live with my grandma who i get along with but that would mean i would be uneasy all the time living close to my dad, or should i continue living with my mom and hope for things to get better




  1. i would stay with your mum  

  2. I hate to hear about this kind of behavior in parents.  I like it much less when both parents have their heads up..well, you know.  Your best bet, from where i sit, is that  you need to call CPS or a teen crisis line NOW.  You are the one that is showing clear thinking and good judgement.  Use that clear thinking and call CPS or a teen crisis line.  If you dont know the numbers, dial 411 and ask to be connected.  they will be happy to help.  Get out of both parents lives--they are ruining thiers and yours too.

  3. Your moms not gonna stop and neither is your dad im srry 2 say. My cousind parents r the same way and i can notice how his personality and depression have gotten to him but he looks up 2 me cuz im his older cousin and i hang out with him even though hes like 3 or 4 yrs younger than me. I would just go werever u feel more comfortable and safe.

  4. Talk to your Mom & tell her that her behaviour is bothering you.  Let her know that you love her & that you don't want drinking to come in between you & her like it did with you & your Dad.  Tell her you think enough damage has been done to your family because of alcohol & you don't want any more of it.

    Tell her you know how hurt she must feel and that you are hurting too.  Just as she was there for you when you were a child, remind her that you are there for her as well.

    As for your Dad, tell him you love him too, but cannot be around him because he is not the same person when he drinks.  Maybe he will see the damage it has done.

    Good luck, I will pray for you & your family

  5. I would choose your mom. I move a lot too. I wish I had like a "frequent movers" card.

  6. This is tough on you being in this type of situation but i am sure you will adapt it takes time stay with your mum she knows how to protect you and you should sit down and talk to her and explain your feelings to her i am sure she will come to some sort of compromise after all the last thing she would want to do is upset you. Talk and tell her how you feel

  7. Choose your mom; she seems like the logical and safer choice.

  8. Mom

  9. Talk to your mom maybe she is going out every night because she is upset about the divorce Tell her that you feel like she is not paying attention to you. As far as your dad goes talk to him give him a call once in a while.

  10. Talk with your mom.  If she doesn't listen, go to a counselor for regular counseling.  None of this is your fault and this is a lot to deal with on your own.

  11. I know how you feel. my parents got divorced 2yrs ago. and my dads a heavy drinker and abusive as well. Well at the beggining of the divorce i lived with my mom and i used to think every time some little drama happened at my moms house i could just run over to my dads. But that would make my mom sad and my dad would still be having his drinking and abusive issues so one thing i learned is that it is better to stick it out through the hard stuff and it will get better as long as you are with the one that really cares for you most.

    Hope this helps.


  12. stay with your mom you need to be the man of the house for her. if she brings in any guys check them up and knock their arses out if they aren't the one.  

  13. Stay with your mother! The dating thing is temporary...Trust Me!

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