I am currently a 14 yr old boy living with my mom, my parents divorced about 2 months ago and i was ready to move to a new school i thought fitting in would be no problem and i was super excited.. My mom and I have a great relationship i can talk to her about everything and she was my best friend, my dad on the other hand does not get along with me he is very strict and thinks that i should be this perfect kid and he is an alcoholic. we had our ups in downs through these hard months he got drunk and drove my dirtbike off a cliff i found him unconcous and saved his life and it opened his eyes for awhile.. but idont feel comfortable around him he is very uneasy and said many hurtful things to me.. Now about my MOM AGAIN, WHEN MY PARENTS WERE TOGETHER MY DAD WAS A HEAVY DRINKER AND MY MOM NEVER DRANk BUT MAYBE ONCE A YEAR. Now that we moved my mom the person who i could call my best friend and the only perso there for me is in the dating scene going to bars and im tired of it its hard being to new kid at school and not fitting in with all these kids who think fighting solves everything, but now my mom is ditching me for guys everynigght. I could live mith my dads mom my grandma but that would mean leaving my mom and mooving back. What do i do live with my grandma who i get along with but that would mean i would be uneasy all the time living close to my dad, or should i continue living with my mom and hope for things to get better