
WHow do I stop being "paranoid" and letting things get to me so QUICKLY?!?hat would you like to ask?

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I honestly need to know how to break this cycle. When something bothers me I tend to spend all night thinking about it. I will analyze the scenario and wonder if I acted in the right way or if I should have said more to someone or held my tongue and sometimes it will bring me down because if I'm in a confrontation sometimes I don't know if I'm saying the right stuff, or if I should just take the high road and let the other person act a fool.

I just want to know how do i keep my mind clutter free without thinking so much about "what I could have done, what I didn't do, and if I did or didn't do it right"

make sense?

I am a good person. I don't do anything to people, I'm not stuck up and very friendly with others. Just don't know why some females see me as their target to put me down, when I'm trying to be nice to them. Then when I defend myself, they act like they didn't do anything wrong for saying harsh things to me.

I'm 26yrs old and wondering when i'll be able to have some friends or even associates that will be happy for me instead of mad at me for what I have. I mean this heavy set lady was making rude comments to me for no reason, and I didn't even know her...and I stood up for myself and she was surprised because she thought I was gonna let her talk to me crazy because my appearance is kinda shy...

1 second ago

how do I over look things and small comments so it won't bother me?




  1. I tend to over analyze things myself.  For some of us it's just in our nature.  We are a little more obsessive than others, maybe we fear having made a mistake so we have to repeat the situation in our minds until we're okay with it.  Personally I think you aren't happy with your behavior because you're having to constantly re-think it.  In any case speaking your mind is perfectly fine.  You don't need to be stepped on or constantly suck it up for other people's benefit.  But there's a time to fight & a time to let it go.  As they say . . . choose your battles wisely.

    As for people constantly putting you down, you really need to re-examine your behavior.  I'm not saying it's your fault but in general when one person is always targeted . . . who is the common denominator?  YOU.  When you're young, possibly attractive, successful, etc. then you might spark feelings of insecurity or jealousy in other people.  It's how you handle those people that makes a difference.  I personally had very few female friends in my 20's.  It wasn't until I realized that part of the problem was me that it got better.  If you really stand out in a crowd you can't possibly expect women to gravitate towards you.  Hating on you will be their first instinct.  So you just work a little harder than most to make friends.  Introduce YOURSELF.  Don't wait for others to like you.  Ask them questions about what they do for a living, or what their opinion is on something, make them realize that you're interested in them & in turn they will be interested in you.  

  2. I'm the same way so I don't know if I could be much help.  I keep looking for the "off" switch to my brain. lol  One thing that does help me is to talk to someone.  I don't mean like a professional, I mean I'll call a friend up and chat about the weather, sports, work, etc.  Just something to take my mind off of whatever I'm obsessing about. Usually it will work.

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