
WHy are people surprised about all these suicidies?

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Somepeople have no opportunities available to them and no one to love them. When there is nothing to live for, then whats the point in keeping going?




  1. Suicide is caused by many things, you see, and sometimes, society does not want to take the blame for those things. If the blanket excuse of "they're nuts" doesn't work, society just doesn't care.

    But individual people do, and that is why suicide is such a problem. Whole groups of people cannot fathom the pain of a suicide victim, and so they ignore it. For better or for worse, the pain of a suicidal person is lost on the masses.

  2. Andy,i don't think anyone is surprised anymore i think people are just saddened that more wasn't done to help, but hey how much help can you give those who's mind is set on self destruction.there is always point to keep going always, its just depression masks the good times and brings forth the bad. the trick is, is to see positive in everthing even when it seems there is no positive to be gained. everyone is loved just refuse to believe it, that's the depression again.

  3. If it's happening in Bridgend, why not in Bangalore?

  4. Its because they are approximately the same age in a small area & in a short space of time

    Good health & youth is a reason to keep living

  5. What a pathetic, gutless, selfish and cowardly attitude.

    Look at some history for pittys sake,

    In this country life is so soft and easy.

    Look around the world, folk are fighting to hold on to life

    Grow up and get out and involved in real life.

  6. And they lived in Wales.

  7. lol @ 1st answer ......

    well i agree with what most others have said .. basically life is what u make it .. the world owes no one a favour ... yes some ppl get lucky breaks and some ppl dont get any breaks but its how u handle it and your attitude towards life ...

    and as it goes who knows what happens when u die .. could be far worse than living ;)

  8. it's the easy way out.

    oh dear me, I'm never going to win the lottery or get to meet beyonce..... I may as well kill myself.

    opportunities do not just appear....... love doesn't just turn up at the door.

    before anyone decides to flame, i had a friend who killed himself about 20 years ago, because his business was failing. he could have declared bankruptcy and bu now, for all anyone knows, could have had a wonderful life (pun intended)

  9. Lifes beautiful its what you make it ,There are lovely birds and animals ,and lovely Countrys to explore ,There is always hope ,Who knows why ,its a very sad  thing,and its not just in Bridgend ,A beautiful young girl ,who had a job plenty of friends and hobbies just commited suicide in my hometown ,

  10. To prepare for eternity.

  11. it's all about perspective.  Anne Frank maintained joy in her heart through truly terrible circumstances.  On the other hand there are people like Brittany Spears who seem to have it all, yet cannot keep it together.  Perhaps how we choose to see the world is far more important than what really is happening in our lives.

  12. So that others, in the same predicament, do not find it a means, that they can do this, to deal with, what can be fixed, and will be different, tomorrow. Suicide will not allow someone to see tomorrow. That is why, it is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem.

    These days, for some reason, people want to kill others, to take them along with them. This I gather is a sure way to, at the least, take a long walk through darkness, until God find mercy for them.

    The Merciful One, God, The Almighty!

    May He find Mercy, with each of us...

  13. People are surprised because we cannot comprehend the reasons standing behind these suicides. There are so many reasons why you should wake up the following morning, so many things to do that would give you a meaning. As for the problems- there is nothing that cannot be sorted out - or talked trough. The UK at least offers so many wonderful opportunities -one must just reach out, make an effort.

    I, for one, am tired of people who use the excuse of 'nobody to love them' - as there is and always will be someone whose heart loves yours -always.

    How can we not be surprised when a life is extinguished and we are left behind wondering if we could have done something different to keep them alive!

  14. I see what you are saying but i don't think suicide is the answer.

  15. I'm not so much surprised as sad.  There are millions of people in this world without hope but they don't commit suicide.  There is something not right about what is happening in this part of Wales?

  16. Well its alarming to many people who dont feel that way that there are people who do feel this way. It is something which exposes to many the extent of alienation and depression in society which they wouldhave previously unaware of. Also when something like suicide or the shootings in america begin to be on the rise and become more visible to people they see them as apocalyptic because in essence they challenge the most basic foundations of human society which is the will to live, work eat etc.

  17. Load of rubbish, nothing is ever that bad and if youre not happy with your life change it, you are in charge of your own destiny.

  18. thats just a load of bull, what gives a person the right to end his god-given life? and hey.... we all get our lows, no one doesn't go through anything in their life, though some more than others, but that doesn't mean you should quit, its not a game of monopoly where when u lose all ur cards and get bankrupt u back out... this is life, and u feel unloved, don't just wallow in self pity, go out.. meet people.. for god's sake don't kill urself! and if u feel like the world has nothing to offer to you, then take a risk, try out something you never thought of before, like taking a course in watever cool subject that attracts u... think about it this way: what do u have to lose?

    just before doing anything stupid... think about it... don't end ur life as a result of a trivial matter happening in ur life now

       thank u

  19. You can't have everything just handed to you on a plate, you have to work at it too and although what you say may apply to the odd few, the suicides of all those young teenagers is not normal, something is going on.

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