
WHy do I hear whispers when I'm drifting off to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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When I'm drifting off to sleep, I find myself hearing whispers (or at I least I think they whisper) I can't really make out words though. Just sounds. Also I am aware of it and I try to snap myself out of it but it seems like I can't move. Though I do eventually get out of it. It's quite strange, and it keeps happening. The first time it happened I was really scare and didn't want to sleep, but now I'm used to it and I know what is happening when it does. What is causing this to happen? Can this be explained through psychology?




  1. It could be a figment of your imagination.

  2. Maybe there's ghosts in your house!...  o__o  lol, jk..  but maybe..

    I get what you mean about the paralysis thing.  If I sleep in the afternoons, sometimes, I'm semi-awake and I can't seem to get out of my unconscious state and wake up.  Just like I'm paralyzed.

    It really freaked me out before but I learned to drift back off into sleep if this happens.

    And when you sleep, I learned in psychology that your body releases chemicals that paralyze your outer limbs and muscles as a protective mechanism.  

    When you dream, you could be moving around your arms and legs and you could hurt yourself.  That's why your body does the chemical paralyzing this when you go to sleep.

  3. That happens to me also! Not often, though, just sometimes. I know what you mean about drifting off to sleep, knowing your awake, and being physically unable to move. Then all of a sudden it's like I'm free and bolt out of bed in a panic. I don't know why that is. Probably some freak brain thing when your body thinks your asleep but your mind knows your awake. With me, I just hear the sound of wind.

  4. Have your hearing checked.  As a Hearing Impaired person, I can tell you that this is not unusual.  Some people have ringing in the ears. Others hear buzzing, or whispery sounds.  Before you rush off to a psychiatrist, consult your doctor for a thorough examination of your hearing.

  5. You could be lucid dreaming

    I do the same thing except it'sa defenetly alot more than just whispers x__x" But really look up lucid dreams it might help you out =D

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