
WHy do so many people seem to think that when a women gets pregnant its the woman's responsibility but the

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man's fault




  1. It's no more the mans fault than the womans.

    They obviously never thought of using birth control.

  2. That is simply the old school way of thinking.  My grandmother would more than likely say that.

    Times have changed am I right?


  3. I guess a lot of people in this section are having hangovers from the weekend

  4. Well it is both their "fault"...if you consider it a bad thing.  But it is mostly the woman's responsibility, at least for the first nine months, because she is carrying it.  With the rights of "my body" come responsibilities.

  5. Hypocrisy.

    Its both parents fault.. but especially the woman's because she can CHOOSE to have the child or NOT.  

  6. This is the result of Modern Feminism in its attempt to assign all blame upon the male (a rather transparent indication of its utter misandry).

  7. There is no fault in pregnancy.

    They are both responsible.

  8. There are really two questions in this question.  You asked, "Why do so many people..." and to answer that, we can look at the socialized gender influences at play.  When a woman gets pregnant, she is the one who decides whether or not to keep the baby, and thus, some believe, it becomes her responsibility if she decides to carry the baby to term.  Why it's the "man's fault," could be related to the most prevalent form of birth control, the condom, goes on the male. Some believe then it is the male who is "at fault" if a condom isn't used or if he ejaculates inside the female.

    The other (implicit) question is, Given all of this is true of our society, is it right?  And to that I say no.  You can't get pregnant on your own, therefore, two parties share the responsibility and the fault.  Like some others have pointed out, women can use birth control of their own, such as pills, spermicide, or diaphragms.  Deciding to keep the child should also be a dual choice (personally I believe that if one party is against it you should NEVER keep the child).  

  9. What are you talking about? I thought it was the other way around? Isn't that what some of you men come in here and complain about? Its the woman's fault that she got pregnant, but the mans responsibility to take care of it (Child support)? Remember a few questions back "Why don't women wear protection to keep from getting pregnant?"

  10. It's 50/50

    It takes two.  

    People who play the blame game are not mature enough to accept responsibility for themselves.

  11. It depends on the situation.

    If there's "fault" to be assigned at all (that is, if the pregnancy is unintentional), then the responsibility for the accident falls equally on both people (except in unusual cases such as rape).  The reason the man often has to deal with this issue of "fault" is because he's the only one physically capable of walking away from the situation (without terminating the pregnancy), and so he's often the person who needs to be legally reeled back in.

  12. It's BOTH their fault. not one of them can say Now how did that happen? they BOTH had s*x they BOTH knew what could happen they BOTH should have responsibility.

    But you know what it was MY fault plan and simple ONE time in my life i had s*x and I got pregnant he had his say. I had OUR child. in less someone knows what it's like to be hurting so bad and needing to feel something anything and you do NOT think and have s*x ONE time. unless you know how that feels I really don't see how any of you can say anything you have NO idea what they are going through. so who are you all to judge?

    And for the record I NEVER blamed him NEVER. it was MY fault for being weak.

    But in the real world BOTH of them are to blame. trust YOUR SELF ONLY. don't just hope your partner is wearing a condom or is on the pill TRUST your self ONLY. that way you know you won't get pregnant.

    and you won't be judged by anyone for an HONEST mistake. BOTH people are to blame end of story.

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