
WHy does it seem like half of the questions i answer get deleted these days?

by  |  earlier

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Ironicaly, this question will get deleted...




  1. Yeah I know what you mean.  I Think some Yahoo agents hate us or something...either that or one of the GWS members is a Y/A admin.

    Edit: I just had an answer deleted too in that question with that red head misthrope thing.  It was "I got two free points. Thanks" or something..haha.  It was reported....and there goes the e-mail.  Community has reported you lol.  It's weird.  I had a question a while ago and some guy said, "Level 2, yess!!"  I reported it and it didn't get deleted.  However, I just posted this question 5 minutes ago and it got deleted kinda quick by reporting.

  2. The gestapo is out to get us all.

  3. Someone must have it out for you Robert, personally, I find you to be one of the more polite members on this board.

    Edit: ah, the questions themselves.............maybe you're just tackling more hot topic questions recently, or maybe just more people are becoming report happy.

  4. you only get a couple of day ..for someone to answer your question..and if they dont yahoo people will answer it for you..and you will get no point

  5. I don't know.

  6. people/women believe in every bit of liberated monkey S**t but cant grasp the idea of freedom of speech

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