
WHy does my right arm hurt after golf?

by  |  earlier

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It's hard for me to scratch my back with my right arm by reaching under and over to my back because my deltoid is sore. Are there any exercises to prevent this?




  1. Like the other poster said, you might try stretching out thoroughly before playing.  Could be some inflammation or tendinitis.......a couple of ibuprofen before you play may also be helpful.

  2. It could be a problem related to not stretching before playing. You could be putting too much tension on your elbow .

  3. try moving your arm like a windmill clock-wise then counter clock-wise. If that doesn't work place your arm across your chest and your left hand on your right shoulder crossing your right and pull your right arm to the left and push in with your right hand

    hope it helps

  4. bad mechanics

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