
WHy is it that when people cut thier vains , they cut them in the shower or bathtub?

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WHy is it that when people cut thier vains , they cut them in the shower or bathtub?




  1. so they don't get blood in the rug floor or sink. they bleed a lot if it is on a major arterie or vein , but i have never done it.

  2. because the warm water thins the blood thus making the blood flow more extreme...

  3. they are nice and considerate :)

    that would be a mess to clean up if it got on the carpet~ or anywhere else... this way there's no mess!

  4. you can also do it in the garden... or on the roof top for maximun exposure...i have seen people even doing it in public...

  5. i guess it's to not make a mess of the house, because blood is very hard to clean, and because usually the bathroom is a private place, where no one would bother them, so they would have time to bleed to death(that's a bit harsh..). also, when in the shower or tub and hot, your veins are wider, so the blood should pour faster.

  6. because it is safe (not the cutting the place) you are in the one place that you have always felt safe. you allow yourself to be bare naked there well cutting is like not only taking off your clothes but also taking off your skin. exposing your soul to the world. some people do it for attention they make me sick. those are probably the ones you see on the streets and in the open. that is a place to get attention whereas the bathroom, the tub especial is a place where no one can judge.

  7. It may be they do not want to leave a mess for family or others to clean up.  Cleaning blood from porcelain is easier than from a carpet.

  8. It's courtious to those that have to clean up the mess.  Just rinse away the blood and (dusts hands) all done, no muss no fuss.  If you're going to eliminate yourself it sounds like a decent thing to do for those you leave behind, saves them from selling the house because of the mess and smell.  The alternative is painting the walls with your brains or something, then they have to hire a cleaning crew and shell out big bucks on top of the funeral.

  9. The question is why do they cut the wrong way? But heat allows more blood flow, kind of thins it out for better leakage.

    Never tried, never will. I prefer adversity.

  10. They cut their veins in the bathtub to be thrifty, thinking that they'll make less of a mess. Besides, why ruin a perfectly good carpet?

  11. To keep the mess under control and to help the bleeding along.

  12. Thats just what they show on tv, because its more dramatic to see the blood drip and go through the water... most people do it standing at the sink or sitting on the toilet! ;)

  13. Probably so they don't get blood all over the place, who knows.

  14. I always thought it was so the water would keep the blood from clotting to stop the bleeding, which is kind of a moot point if you cut an artery.

  15. I always wondered why the sterilize the needle when giving lethal injections.

  16. When veins are cut the blood clots and bleeding stops.  That won't serve the purpose of the persons cuting the veins because he does it for committing suicide.  If the hand is held in water after cutting, bleeding won't stop and the whole blood will be flown as it doesn't clot and they can easily die.

  17. Warm water enhances the blood flow, hence, rendering the nutter bled-out.

    What a selfish way to go. shame shame.

  18. morbid question

  19. I guess so it does stain or make a big mess.


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