
WHy is it when a dog gets old and sickly you "put him to sleep" but an old sickly human being is kept living?

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A dog is a dog is not the answer I am looking for.

And the cost to keep a dog living is also a lazy answer.

What I am asking is when a dogs life becomes more pain than pleasure they are euthanized.

If a person wants the same for themselves it is a crime.

Why do we treat an animal with more dignity than a fellow human being?

I know a person who is sick can make themselves a DNR (do not resuscitate) but that does not keep them from going through a lot of pain before they die.




  1. well acualy a person ca get asised death if they want and but it is ther choise and with an animal well they dont know what id going on and so there you go and dogs well nobody knows how much pain they are really in

  2. i agree with you.  we should allow people the choice to die with dignity.  i think most of the objections come from religious standpoints.  they see it as suicide and they think it is wrong, whereas they don't believe dogs have a soul, so they aren't subject to the same rules as humans.  

  3. Animals are treated better:

    They get cheaper health care.

    They now offer dogs cheaper braces for their teeth.

    If you harm a dog you will be in great trouble, a human they have to go to court ect. to prove they were treated wrongly.

    Dogs are seen as cute and mans (womens) best friend

    If vick used snakes to fight each other he would of not been in jail.

    Dogs now have a clothes line...and so many other things that may shock you.

    But I am guily my Lab has her own room here.... : (

  4. I totally agree.When my grandmother was old and sick and wanted to die,she'd often say,"You wouldn't let a dog go on like this,"It's true.The legal profession should have no say in this.It should be up to a patient and their Dr. and family.

  5. my opinion is if you didn't create life then you have no right to end it.... I honestly don't agree with putting animals down but I know that owners do it so that the animal wont have to go through any pain.

  6. Thats what im like if someone wants to suicide then let them  

  7. It's true. I think this is a very good question. While I can't answer it definitively, I can offer my own take on the situation.

    Because so many people are of the belief that humans are a much higher being, (and supposedly with souls, unlike animals who DO NOT have eternal life - which i think is complete nonsense) it's a sin to take the life of another, however not a sin to take the life of an animal. Where we're supposed to draw the line, I don't know. To pet owners, a lot of the time, I think they feel it's doing their pet a favor putting them out of suffering, such as when their dog or cat is afflicted with a terminal disease. The problem is, not only can we not know what decision the animal would make if he/she could speak, but sometimes animals are euthanized for reasons that I wouldn't consider to have a "humane basis." Frankly, I think all of this is bullshit, but it looks like the majority rules.

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