
WHy would this be abad idea?

by  |  earlier

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First of all we've been friends for 4years(in person! so I know him face to face). He is hard to freak/creep out. I am 23 he's 28. Let me know what the following email implies and if it's a bad idea.

"Hey I got a couple of questions for you because I want to clarify things and get a better understanding of you. First of all I love the way things are between us now. Don't let that change please.

Anyway it seems like that ever since you came back you have treated me like more of a friend and a sister. And treated me like everyone else. I am wondering if you've always treated me this way or it's because I emailed you a year ago saying I''m tired of your mixed signals either admit your feelings or treat me like everyone else'? Just curious. Again I like the way things are right now.

Since I respect and honor you I want to clarify a boundary. I don't mean to bring up the past but you said you didn't like kisses. Which is fine but how you responded and what you did made me doubt it. Were you serious when you said you don't like kisses? Even if you get a girlfriend you still won't want to kiss her? That's what I mean. Now that's fine you don't like it I just want to clarify what you mean since I have so much respect for you. No I do not plan to kiss you again. Let me be honest. I don't like kisses either well only on the lips because everytime I get kissed they shove their tongues down my throat. I lied out of nervousness when I said I didn't mean to kiss you. I did. As a FRIEND. I do that to all my guy friends but after your response I freaked and I don't do that anymore. For a guy who said he didn't like kisses it didn't add up because if you didn't you wouldn't have blushed and smiled so big like you did. Right before you left when we hugged I was scared YOU were gonna kiss me that's why I froze. So let me clarify MY boundary. Kisses on the cheek or hand is ok(tells me we're friends) but I don't like kisses on the lips unless you want to be my boyfriend. So again I just want to clarify what you mean is all. Take care!"

What does this imply and what should I leave out? why?




  1. I'm confused, why are you two friends? If its so hard for you to be and aren't you two a little old for such confusion between adults? Life is already to stressing to live for most people these days. Just have fun and enjoy each other or not. Life is being wasted when we are spending time on such things. People get hung up on ideals and opinions and one day your in your 40s and 50s wishing you had just kissed him with all you have and if he liked fine if not fine. We women put to much stock in whether or not men like us.

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