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  1. Kill enough people to further your cause and you will be famous too.

  2. He didn't ask to be famous, just because of what he did and his characteristics made him famous. He's really a big man with a kind heart.

  3. Because:

    He was a great man!

    He fought for his country

    He was a great leader, very good at leading people and inspiring them.

    He didn't have to be famous. Vietnamese love him, by himself.

  4. because he was very famous during the cold war and vietnam war

  5. Ho Chi Minh City or Ho Chi Minh himself?

    Ho Chi Minh City was the Saigon City that's what they got MIss Sagion.

    I've been to Ho Chi Minh City last 2005 and it was a good city, people there are friendly even most of them cannot speak English.. they are respecful like Filipinos.

    You know i appreciate those vietnamese i met cuz even they cannot speak totally speak english but they are really trying their best to speak out and understand... They bought viet - american dictironary and willing to learn.

    Ho Chi Minh himself--- As far as i know he speaks 7 different languages and he is a kind hearted guy. In history, he killed some people during Vietnam War, it was not only vietnamese but some other nationality.

    If you know Pres. Ferdinand Marcos in Philippines they have similarities... this president of ours he killed many during first Coup de etat.. but just  read it..

    Though they killed many people but on the other hand they still have goodness left. They're not totally bad.. it's not like Osama Bin Ladin.

    Good Luck!

    God Bless You Always!

  6. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeccccccccccccuuu... he greatttttttttttttttttttt

    those who say he didn't want to be famous is a freaking LIE!!!! come on, what is the point of naming himself "HO Chi Minh?"

  7. Although I may not agree with everything that he did. However, Ho Chi Minh was a patriotic who determined to fight with any intruders. He scarified a lot to protect Vietnam and Vietnamese people. If you know how he lived and set example as a leader, you can understand why North Vietnamese worship him and why he was so famous.

  8. Can you forget your private life yourselff to live for others, for a nation? Can you lead a nation from thousand years in slavey to freedom?

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