
WI- Change my daughter last name?

by  |  earlier

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She just turned 2 and i want to change her last name to her fathers last name. Him and I are not married, but I want her to have his last name now. How can i do that and how much will it cost?




  1. To me, it doesn't make sense why you wouldn't want your daughter not to have the same last name as you. I don't get it. Especially if you're not married. What if the father decides to run off and not take part in the child's life? Then you're screwed. In my opinion, you should keep her last name as is.

  2. You haven't said where you are living, but in the UK you apply to Deed Poll, and it costs either £30 or £100 (I don't remember which). Perhaps you should research it online in relation to the country/state/province where your daughter is living. There's certainly nothing stopping you changing her name to that of her father.

  3. If "WI" means "Wisconsin", USA, call the county court clerk. In my county in California it costs $320 plus the cost of running a legal notice for four weeks. Wisconsin's prices may be different, but the basic process is the same. You file a petition with the court, pay the fee, run the legal notice and, if no one objects, get the name changed after the four weeks are up.

    Her father or maybe his parents or yours would be the only possible people to object. It would be smoother sailing if all five of them agreed, in writing, and had their agreement notarized.

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