
WIERDEST DREAM ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

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I was with a friend walking through and alley and witnessed a girl being raped by three guys. We had got away. the next day i had maybe missed the bus, and need a ride to school, one guy friend had gave me a ride to school. when i walked through the halls i saw a friend from one of my old schools, with a frienemie at my present school and say hi you did n't see us. we talked, then i got to my english class noticed every one was on one side of the classroom and many others seat were empty, and sat in one of the empty seats on the other side, I guessed people heard about the raped girl in town then one guy came up to me and said hey is anyone sitting here. i said no, he sat there. I met up with my brother after school, were the cars were parked. he had this one car, i asked him where did you get it, he said its ok, my friend said we can ride it home. I looked around the empty parking spots just to see where to park tomorrow. then suddenly this one man in a tow truck came and said i ...




  1. The deer part of the dream:

    You try so HARD to KNOW EVERYTHING, but that is not what God wants to give you right now.  He wants you to know HIM.  He wants you to learn to find rest in HIM, peace of mind in HIM.  You don't have to know everything right now.  You need to learn to live one day at a time, enjoy what this day offers, cope with this day's problems, and let God teach you what HE wants to teach you right now!

    This is such an awesome invitation, straight from God Himself.  The way through your Mother's bedroom stands for rest, the kind of rest a child finds only in her Mother's arms.  Remember when you were small and afraid, NOBODY but your Mom could make you feel safe, right?  Well, God is the only one who can offer you that now.

    I'm giving you links to some awesome scriptures that show the meaning of your dream.  Ask God to teach you HOW to set your mind at rest in Him and find peace in Him!

    Practice praying the scriptures, making them personal, coming from you to God. Imagine yourself in the picture or situation, and MAKE the scripture your own personal prayer.  

    If I have thoughts on the first part of the dream, I'll add it later.  But the blessing is in the last part of the dream!


    Ok, back to the first part of your dream:

    You and your friend see a girl raped by 3 guys.  This may represent the aggression you experience from others who do not treat you with respect.  Have you been taken advantage of much in your lifetime?  Bullied?  Sexually harassed or abused?  Or it could representr that fact that you did not stand up against taht.  But ylou re getting stronger in this area.

    Missed the bus:  Missed opportunities, but you've made up for that, with a l  Or the bus likely means opportunities to learn, and since you did not follow the crowd, the Lord has provided opportunities to teach you Himself.

    At school:  You choose not to follow the crowd, but to take the "road less traveled".  You sit on the side that isn't so crowded.  I believe this is what you are doing, because of your faith in God.  You are choosing to do what is right, not follow the crowd.  Because of this, you will be sought out by God Himself, who will come and "sit with you."  Also, when you do not follow the crowd, but choose what is better, you will stand out from the crowd.  Better opportunities will come because you are not "in the crowd".  For instance, are you more likely to meet the kind of guy you'd like to spend your life with by following the crowd, or by being where God wants you to be?  There will be people throughout your life who are looking for the "smart girl, the mature girl, the holy living girl," and they will find you because you are NOT with the crowd.  

    I like how you don't just immediately get in the car with your brother.  You wan to check and make sure it is ok before you ride in the car with him.  You want to make sure everything is legal and permissible!  You also look around, to check out the situation, to make plans about where to park tomorrow.  You like to plan ahead.  You don't want to end up parking in the wrong spot and get towed!


    My friend Jynx said this about your dream:   Well, this ten foot tall tow truck driver is representing God or Jesus. He's the salvager of lives and of journey's through lives.  (And I think that's what all the abandon cars stand for-- lives that no one values, or abandoned dreams where folks have lost hope.)  He is able to work with his bare hands because of his qualities.

    She's obviously afraid of standing up for the cause of justice. (Watching rapists and not interfering.) But, judging from what you've said, it could be that it's lack of confidence or because she's in the victim role herself.

    Trying to plan where to park tomorrow is odd.  Parking lots (in our waking lives) fill and empty somewhat randomly, so I think this is about planning her journey.


    I definitely agree with her on the part about the 10 foot driver being God!  He is the one who picks up the pieces of our wrecks, and rescues the abandoned lives, hopes and dreams.

    Also, I see some comparisons between your dream and the Bible book of Song of Solomon, or Song of Sons as it is called in some versions.

    Many scholars say this book is about Christ and His Bride, the church.  I see it more as Christ and His Bride, ME!  Or, in your case, you!

    At one point in the dream, the girl is out looking for her bridegroom, and she is attacked and beaten by the watchmen (who actually should be the ones looking out for her, but they are guarding their rules and traditions instead of truth!).  So, the part where you see the girl raped could be that.

    She stands apart form the crowd, instead of following along like a prostitute, following the crowd.  She asks, 'Why should I be like one of the veiled women, following along by the flocks of sheep" (for the shepherds to sleep with).  She wants to know how to go straight to her bridegrooms flocks and tents, and not get confused and lost among the wrong crowds, or get mistaken for an ungodly woman who is selling s*x.  You, also, want to find your way straight to God's courts, and His way, and not get lost in the "crowd" of popularity, or use your sexual attractiveness to sell yourself and be popular.

    Many who seek for fame and success end up like abandoned cars in a parking lot, needing to be rescued.  But you want to stay pure and wise, and your brother, Jesus, will provide the way for you.  At one point, the bridegroom calls the girl his "sister, his bride," because this is a term of endearment.  Perhaps he feels close to her, not just sexually, but close in heart, like a sister/brother relationship as well.  The best and deepest marriages are like this... like best friend/brother/sister closeness, but with the added pleasure of the sexual bonds as well.  So many girls blow it, overlooking the guys who are dear to them, saying, 'You are like a brother to me."  Well, they've overlooked the best part right there, looking for a predator instead of a protector, who loves them for their real self, not just their looks.

    Jesus is all of that to us, and the longer we know Him, and the more we choose Him over any other, the more He will reveal to us ALL the various facets of His personality and His love for  us.  We will find Him to be the gentle shepherd, but we'll also get to know him as the wild, exciting lover who rides on the winds and asks us to come along for the adventure.  BUT, those who reject Him as brother/shepherd never get to ride on his wild chariots with Him.  They never get to know that side of Him.  He only grants that to those He trusts!

    We we seek to truly KNOW Him for Himself and let Him teach us, we get to see Him as brother/father/friend/savior and also as the "10 foot tall guy with muscles of steel", etc. who likes to show off for us.  Several times in the Bible, we read that God "bared his arm".... think about that.  He rolls up His sleeves and shows off His muscles.  He's a GUY! ;- )  And when we love and adore Him, He shows off for us.

    But, we  need to seek Him and ask Him to teach us His ways and His truths.  Let Him show us His heart, not just for Him to answer our prayers or guide us through our own agenda.

    Do you have a friend you know VERY well, and if you had to make some choices for that friend, even if he or she was not there, you could do it, because you KNOW what this person would say or do or choose?  See, as we get to know God, we KNOW His will so many times, because we get to understand His mind and His heart.  This is what He is offering to you.  He's treating you like the disciple who was nearest His heart, John.  He's calling you to KNOW Him.

    I know you want this.  So, relax about finding all the answers.  Spend time PRAISING HIM..  You can use your music talent as a gift TO Him.  Sing to Him, read His love letters to you, pray the words that come into your heart as you read the Psalms and other parts of scripture.  Ask Him to guide your heart and mind in His ways and teach you how to respond to Him as your friend, your brother, your dearest love.

    Because you have chose to seek your wisdom and guidance through Him alone, He is honoring you with the invitation to seek HIMSELF.  Aren't you gld you haven't missed this opportunity?

    My heart rejoices for you!


  2. To see a rape being committed in your dream, denotes sexual dysfunction or uncertainty.

    To dream that you are in school, signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about performance and abilities. You may also be going through a "spiritual learning" experience. If you are still in school and dream about school, then it will naturally serve as a backdrop to your dream world.  Alternatively, a dream that takes place in school may be a metaphor for the lessons that you are learning from your waking life.

  3. ?  well it sounds... um... extreme.  Not sure what to say... O.o

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