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b iiii t c hhh please, Obama is not the Anti-Christ // Michael C: stop being a jackasshh




  1. i dont think so... i think we have better oppurtunities than other countries.

  2. If Hillary runs for office again I will off myself.  

  3. If you are, that's pretty hardcore. That's awesome.

  4. no. thats a dumb question. you have the power to change what happens in this country

  5. No.  No matter who wins, the United States of America is the greatest country the world has ever known.  There is no where better to live.  There is no country that offers more freedom and opportunity.  That is why the poor of the world want to come here and it is why when anyone famous gets enough money they move here.  We are a great country and it would take more than one bad president to change that.  I think that has been proven before.

  6. Hopefully

  7. no the liberals usual..its all talk

    i say liberals because 99% of the time...thats who it is...

  8. I've thought about it. The thought of what McCain might do is truly terrifying.

  9. A few ppl might but not a lot! But if any of those ignorant blow-hard whiny celebs wanna go I'd be more than happy to see them leave!

    Who the f*** are u to call a young girl a b*tch, u b*tch?????

  10. I doubt it. Not one of the movie stars that said they would leave if Bush got elected did. So why lie again.

    The movie stars tell us this like the rest of the world believes thay are someone important.


  11. its silly to see how people are answering this question. arent we all americans after all? elections have been takin place in this country ever since it existed both parties won and lost over and over and we havent left, why would we leave this year? but still arent we the greatest country on earth. no matter who wins we should work together to get things done.

  12. I will move BACK to England and pay taxes to the queen. I'd rather do that if my Favourite candidate doesn't win. I already did when Bush won so I won't hesistant to do that again.  

  13. Regardless of who wins , we still lose.   I am saving money now so that in about 5 years , my family and I may move to another country.

  14. Most Liberals would move to Canada or Europe and I will have a huge American flag and a banner saying good riddance. =D

  15. Not the Democrats.

    But the Republicans might move to the deep south if Obama wins.

    That's a completely different country there.

  16. Well, if mcain wins, we wont be able to leave. we'll probably be drafted or some c**p. But hey dont worry, were going to catch Osama.. such bullshit

  17. Only democrat actors from california threaten to leave but they never do!  More democrat promises not kept.

  18. If that scumbag Hussein-Obama wins, I may withdraw my citizenship, hide in a cave or jump off Hoover Dam.

  19. my mom says were going to move if obama becomes president.

    she says hes the antichrist.

    but if he gets in office i bet he'll be assasinated within a year.

  20. Oh. Deffinately. I plan to throw away the love for my country and my roots, and relocate to Canada.

  21. sarah palin already tried.....

  22. If anyone from the far left wants to leave, where can I send money to buy you a plane ticket?

  23. Why would anyone want to leave our country!  It's the best place to live!  There is no country like it anywhere!  It would be a huge mistake if one would leave for such a silly reason!

  24. no. but this is kind of drastic is not it?

    how many people make silly campaign bets? and they are silly

    in the end the country will go  on as this is just politics

    and the big money boys still run the show. and not the POTUS

    or even talks

  25. Oh man. I kind of feel like we're in trouble no matter who wins. I would love to move to Canada and sit this one out for a while.

  26. Alec Baldwin. No, wait, he was going to leave the country if Bush won. Anyone know if he ever left?

  27. Hah, many will say so, but very, very few actually would.  

  28. No. The only reason I would leave is if I got a better opportunity in another country, or if the draft came back.

  29. Maybe if something happens to McCain and Palin takes over.

  30. nah

  31. no. I fear how people are reacting though. I don't think there has been so much hate for a president or candidates in a loong time. It really scares me. I mean, we just watched the jfk assassination at my school and it scarred me for life. I would hate to see something like that happening to anyone republican, democractic, whatever. I mean you dont make a right with two wrongs.

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