
WILL IT END? and more?

by  |  earlier

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Dont get me wrong I love being pregnant but i am SO ready to have my little girl out of me.. im 35 wks and getting to the uncomfortable stage where i cant sit or lay down for more than five min with out having to move. So many questions about labor are coming up and stressing me out one of the oddest ones is.. Is it okay not to shave before you go in? cuz i have not been able to for a few weeks now because i cant see, haha anyone any tips for first time stressed out mom to be




  1. yeah it's fine if you aren't shaved (down there) i couldn't reach anymore to shave my legs at all by 40 weeks. If you are really worried about it ask your guy to help you shave your legs.

    tip: take the epidural. drugs are so good.  

  2. lol I am 35 weeks along too! baby is due sept 26th and I keep hoping he'll come early because I am SO bored of being pregnant... I know I'll miss feeling his elbows and hands and feet move around, but I'm definitely wanting the freedom to move around again. I have a doula and she said that in the last few weeks, never have my spine below my belly (so always lean forward instead of back) and never have my knees above my hips, and that will help the baby to be in the right position. As for shaving... I still try to shave even though I can't see, lol but my husband agreed to shave for me. Don't be scared about labor! Just remember that the more you walk around, and the more you lean forward, the better. :)

  3. Hey guess what!

    You aren't alone. And everyone worries like this..or a fair share. Just keep you're mind occupied and are you all done her room!? Lol you must be so exciting! The doctors have seen it all so don't worry about apperance-you're baby will be the most prized possesion anyhoww.

    Good luck!!


  4. I don't think the hospital will care if you're shaven or not.  If they have a preference they might just shave you anyway.  I keep meaning to have a wax done as I can't see anything either! :) I know how you feel.  Good luck!

  5. i could not wait to get my little girl out... and i am 26 weeks preggy now and am counting the days again. i know how you feel alot of woman deal with the same thing. also dont worrie about shaveing they will do it for you if you dont feel conffy with them doing it have the other half do it for you b4 you go in. just relax the best you can once you see that little baby you will have a whole new handfull of  fears

  6. they don;t care if you shave or not. I didn't. trust me, they see everything so don't worry about it. It will end and after she comes out it will be the biggest relief of your life!
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