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I think FOX showed fair coverage of the DNC last week from what I saw , they didn't talk over anybody and aired the entire thing without bias...Do you think MSNBC (and Yahoo) will show the same fairness next week for the RNC?




  1. two words. Chris Matthews. You decide.

  2. They'll be showing reruns of I Love Lucy.

  3. I find it doubtful that any democrat will be fair.  they are all runnin scared now

  4. Doubt it. Maybe it is time for them to be sued for their seemingly illegal hiring practices. It is against federal law to not hire people based upon their political postion.

    One study showed that over 90% of MSNBC employees are liberals.

  5. i do not think anyone at msnbc can be fair to a republican. they only give good press to the democrats and bad press to the republicans. so i do not think the announcers / reporters for  msnbc will be kind or fair at all next week.  

  6. Let's put it this way-- don't expect any thrills to be visiting Chris Matthew's leg while this convention is under way...

  7. More fair than Fox was with the dem convention but still biased for dems.

  8. Liberals and Fair in the same sentence...BUT only if separated by the words....will never be

  9. No way!

    They are already playing politics with McCains VP pick.

  10. Is there any reason that they should?

  11. You seem to equate bad coverage with biased coverage.  The so called "Clinton News Network" had horrendous coverage, frequently cutting away from speeches only to replace them with Wolf Blitzer droning on about something.  I expect them to give the same kind of coverage next week.  I'm sure that MSNBC will cover the RNC the same way they covered the DNC.  HOWEVER.  Be prepared for them to break away if there are developments with the hurricane heading towards New Orleans.  That's just part of the news business but I'm sure that someone will accuse them of bias if they do cut away.

    I prefer to watch the coverage on C-Span.  I don't need the commentary from the networks.

  12. The great Al Gore once said journalists should only report one

    side of a story since only one side can be right. Bias is the Liberal

    way.  Besides there is a hurricane coming and even if it is minimal

    strength and hits Mexico they will be covering that. Global Warming

    you know.

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