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well basically I'm 15 my dad found out i was pregnant last night, i told him i want to keep it and he said that my baby is going to come out with three heads because of the way i eat is this true? i eat mostly fish fillet nuggets chips will this have an effect on the baby what can i eat 2 make it healthy I'm 5 months?




  1. No, Hun, your baby will not come out with 3 heads. Your dad is just messing with you. But you will need to start eating healthy because your baby gets all their nutrients from you. Good luck to you! :)

  2. ok hun, listen to me carfully...on a serious note, something like dat has never happend in the known history of the human race so theres nothing to worrie about. basically the chances of that happening are 1 in all the humans that have ever live on earth...ur dad in just trying to scare u from keeping the baby because u are to young and mabe because he is really made about the fact dat u are having a baby so young...but otherwise dont worrie if you plan to have to baby. he/she will be mostlikely healthy and beautiful like her parents! :D

  3. No, you're baby will not come out with three heads.  

    BUT you really should watch the amount of fish and seafood you eat.

    Eating too much fish and seafood can affect your baby's health and development.  You should read the links I posted below about the consumption of fish during pregnancy.  Are you seeing a doctor right now?  Has your doctor said anything to you or given you information about the foods you should avoid?  If you aren't seeing a doctor, I would strongly suggest that you consider it.  If you are seeing one, make sure they are aware of how much fish you eat.

    If you aren't taking prenatal vitamins, you need to start.  Sometimes they make you a little queasy, so you can take them right before bedtime and you can sleep through the effects.

    I've also posted some links about pregnancy and taking care of yourself.

    Good luck and congrats!

  4. You are seriously too young to be having a baby.  Please. Go to the doctor.  Get examined and get some advice.  No, your baby will not have three heads. Your Dad is simply trying to make a point in order to get you to eat healthier (which you should be doing by the way).  The way you eat will in part determine how healthy your baby is when it's born.  I hope you're getting prenatal care.

  5. I weep for humanity.

    Seriously - why are you breeding?

    At 15 you are old enough to know he is teasing you!  Get your dumb **** to a health centre for some pre-natal care and next time be smart enough to keep your legs shut.

  6. ok listen ur 5 months right, k wat ur dad said is sooo not true the only thing u need to do is focus on that baby nothing is going to happen to that baby just eat more healthier please the foods u type down not gooo for da baby eat like apples veggies and other healthier food trust me nothing will go wrong with ur baby and hope u the best and that loving baby!!!! p.s Be careful with Fish. A lot of fish contains high levels of mercury which can be harmful k soo good luck!!!

  7. Absolutely not. He probably was just messing with you so that you'll go after a healthier diet for both baby's and your benefit.

    Stay strong and have a good courage. :)

  8. No completley sure you're baby will be normal, nice role model you have as a father, please don't worry about stupid things like this and try not to stress your self about diet can do more harm suddenly going on a health kick to you and the baby, good luck

  9. That isnt true. Fish is actually really good to eat while you were pregnant. Just make sure you stay away from too much vitamin A and make sure you get your basic food groups in and focus on Iron and Calcium. You need more Iron than normally especially since you're still a child and your body is still growing you have to take care of your teen needs and the childs needs.

  10. If this is a serious question then your baby will not have 3 heads.

    You do need a healthy diet for you and your baby to be well . Eat a balanced diet and try to get in some some fruit and veg.

    Your doctor or clinic can give advice and answer all your questions !!!

  11. hi there,

    congradulations on your baby!

    no your baby is not going to be born with 3 heads, i think your dad is just trying to scare you.

    you should be eating a more healthier diet tho.

    depending on where you live there a lots of groups out there for teenage mums, you can get the support from midwifes, health visiters, doctors, nutritionists and you can have have a good old chin wag with other girls around your age in the same situation as you.

    you might make some new friends that you can share your new experiences with.

    try looking at your local councils website for information of teenage pregnancy groups,

    goodluck with everything, theres lotsof support out there for you just find it and use it.


    This has diet information for pregnent women, and no, your baby will not grow three heads unless you genetically alter it, and eating fish fillet chips will not ever be able to genetically alter the baby.

  13. ridiculous      babe will be ok  ,  but eat as sensibly as you can  get advice ,    Also  hope you have your parent support    and   expect they are a bit upset and disappoimted  in you  Also  you need to make a lot of plans    

  14. No. your dad is completely wrong and unless he was joking and you took it the wrong way it was wrong of him to mislead you in such a serious matter. Your baby will definately not have 3 heads but you should try and eat more healthily, lots of fruit, veg, protein [meat but not the type thats in your nuggets!]. look up the internet for some ways to cook fish and things if you don't know how. and remember no drinking or smoking! =) hope that helps!

  15. No. your baby won't be born with three heads.  Try and eat lots of fruit and veg and cut back on the fatty stuff like chips.  Drink lots of water.  Discuss any worries you have with your midwife.  Soon you should have an ultrasound scan which will let you see your baby and set your mind at rest.  

    Good luck!

  16. No, you won't have a baby with 3 heads.  It might be a little malnourished because it needs essential vitamins.  You should go to the store and get Prenatal Vitamins and for Gods sake, eat some vegetables and fruits!!!  

  17. Oh, wow, you'll be lucky if it doesn't have four at that rate. You can keep eating like that ONLY if you drink a TON of sage tea. It's the only thing that will fix your situation.  

  18. haha i ate junk food with my son, baby girl.

    cravings are hard to handle !!

    and hes healthy && advanced for his age, according to his pediatrician, who we saw the other day for his 4 month well child exam lol

    just do NOT  forget to take your prenatals theyre amazing.

    longer nails && hair && its very important for the lil munchkin.

    take care !!


  19. Uhm maybe if you are on crack it might.

    But you do need to eat better. ALOT better. Eat ALOT of fruits & vegetables, don't smoke or drink alcohol, drink alot of milk & water, stay away from caffiene, try to eat fresh fruits & veggies too. Eat liver even if it tastes bad because it's high in iron, so is peanut butter. Go to a clinic or other dr. & see if you need iron pills, but only if your dr. says ok. And get prenatal pills from dr. Exercise like walking is good & ask your dr. the good foods you should be eating while pregnant. Ask your dr. about W.I.C. program if you can't get healthy foods yourself or your parents can't. Use Google & look up everything you can on pregnancy, nutrition, everything. Educating yourself is your best defense for a healthier you & your baby. You're in your 2nd trimester already, but it's not too late to start eating better now. That one person was right about fish & mercury. Don't wear tight clothes, be comfy & be good to yourself & your baby!  

  20. no it wont come out with three heads (maybe two) cuz a three headed baby would be a miracle. and that only happens to a baby when it is an identicle twin which dose'nt seperate (siamese twins). you should try to eat healthly (fruit and veg, some red meats, chicken, fish) in other words a balanced diet. also try not to drink alcohol and smoke. also an ultrasound scan should show if your baby has any defects.

  21. I'm sorry, but it's kind of hard to give a serious answer!  You're 15, not 5!

    What you eat does have a significant impact on your unborn child, and you.  Fetus's are basically leaches - they will take what they need from you, so if you are not getting enough vitamins and minerals, it is you who will suffer the most.  You need extra calcium and other vitmins right now.  Talk to your doctor or health practitioner about healthy eating during pregnancy.

  22. Your dad is just trying to scare you. Your baby will not come out with 3 heads, unless you do drugs or something. If you want to eat healthy you have got to stop eating junk food! Start incorporating more vegetables & fruits. There are plenty of websites for pregnant women that outline a healthy diet to ensure the well-being of the mother & baby.

  23. No, sweetie.  Your diet has nothing to do with whether your child comes out with three heads.  That is a genetic issue.  

    However, you should lay off the fried food and try to eat a more balanced, better rounded diet.

  24. It may have any effect on the baby, but the baby will not be born with 3 heads. Your father was probably angry and said that because he was mad.

    Best of luck to you.

  25. not true. avoid processed foods, and junk. eat lots of protein, whole grains, fruits and veggies. there are a lot of pregnancy websites, check them out.

  26. No, your dad's wrong. Your baby won't come out with three heads, trust me.

    But you should be thinking about eating things that would be more nutritious for the baby. It doesn't mean you have to cut all the little goodies out of your diet, but try eating some fruit or veggies every once in a while. Also, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting pre-natal vitamins.

  27. That's stupid and sorry but if you believe that you shouldn't be having a baby. You should be eating a balanced diet if your pregnant especially at 5 months

  28. lol

    i highly doubt that it will come out with three heads.i think he said that just to scare you.but you should start eating lots of protein and stuff because its good for the time you go to your doctor ask him/her if they have a list of things you should and shouldnt eat.that way you wont have to worry so much about it.

    congrats by the way!

  29. Nope your baby will be just fine with one head.  But it will be healthier if you eat a wide range of good nutritious foods and cut down on the chips.

  30. If you don't know the way of the body then you shouldn't have had s*x then gotten pregnant. But whats done is done. No your baby will not have three heads because you eat fish and chips. But on the other hand lack of prenatal care can have an effect on your child.

  31. not from that,  You don't drink or take drugs do you.  Your 15 and you want to be a mom? Do you realize what that means?  If you do plan on having this baby then you really should see a Dr and get some pre-natel care

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