

by Guest67118  |  earlier

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I have a preg guppy and i wanted to separate it from my 10 gallon tank to my 1.5 gallon tank so it can give birth there. i do have some decor plants that i want to like drop to one side so it would be scattered on the tanks floor so the fry can hide. is that a good idea? i am also thinking of putting a floating plant so the fry can hide on top too. and will the guppy eat all its babies or just a few?




  1. Make sure they have plenty of places to hide, like you already have.

    If the guppy is given a chance, yes it will eat the fry, so take the mother out as soon as possible after it gives birth. It will eat all the fry it can, so make sure they can hide. A floating plant might be a good idea. It doesn't really matter if you lay the plant flat or let it stand up, either way it's a good spot for them to swim too.

    Make sure there are a bunch of plants in there, decorative rocks and gravel too.

    Hope this helps!

  2. I've read that you shouldn't separate your female until she is actually just about to give birth because it causes her stress and she could go into premature labor or miscarry. My female gave birth in the big tank. A couple days later I took out the fry and put them in a smaller tank and they are doing just fine now for about three weeks. The adult guppies were not bothering them but I was afraid that they might and I didn't want to take a chance.

  3. yes separate them  asap that will make a good snack for the other guppies the floating plants work good but you will still lose some  

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