

by Guest65701  |  earlier

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So i just got them out like a coupel hours ago.

my mom wants me to eat so i can take a painkiller

but the thing is

my mouth is bleeding

i dont want to take the gauze out

when does it stop bleeding..

i got them out at 11 adn got home at 1230..have had them in ever since

but my mouth is in soo much pain i feel like crying lol ive never felt this pain EVERR.




  1. Try eating some soft foods like:

    Mashed Potatoes

    Apple Sauce


    Lol ofcourse Im not saying to it those all together.

    But you need something that you can just swallow.

    And as you get full thats when you can take your pills.

  2. just try and fall asleep. when your sleeping you heal faster. usually you will stop bleeding about 6 hours or so after wards but make sure you eat liquid foods so you dont open the sores when you eat. take the gauze out before you fall alseep though. the gauze can heal to the wound and can open it up again when you take them out. i had mine taken out and i couldnt take pain killers. so i went through it without anything. i think you can handle it.

    P.S. dont use a straw! the sucking motion can open the wounds up wider. trust me dont do it.

  3. You need to take the medication!!!  You should have taken one before the anesthetic started to wear off.  After 1 1/2 afters you change the gauze.  You will see that the bleeding has slowed down.  Eat something pudding or jello.  Get that medication in you and take a nap you...keep up on you meds and continue to eat soft foods....don't drink through a straw...and you will be fine.

  4. After the wisdom teeth operation you may experience swelling for a few days until the area heals. Remedy for this wisdom tooth pain may be something cold applied on the face around site of swelling. It will ease the pain after wisdom tooth extraction.

  5. i know it bleeds for couple of hours.. but becarefull my friend when she had hers taken out a few days later she was lifting something heavy and the bumble with the blood popped so watch out for that. i know it hurts for awhile but they shouldve told you what to take. but if i was you i would take either advil or tylenol for the pain.

  6. Liquidise the food, and literally drink it.

    I sympathise and know what it's like, though you will feel better soon.

  7. Do what your Mom says. Really !!!

  8. You're not going to want to eat for a minute.  Best you can do right now is drink some soup through a straw, or a shake or something.  Take the painkiller with that.  I don't know how long it took mine to stop bleeding because I was so doped up at the time (and this was only a year ago).  But yeah, you are WAY not going to be able to eat solid food for a day or so yet.  Good luck!

  9. Get a straw and drink something like a soup  for nourishment and get the painkillers  into you

    It is just time before the bleeding stops,  they must have given you more gauze change it every couple of hours it will stop

    take care  and get some rest  it will get better

  10. just take the pain killer and 5 minutes later shove some ice cream down your throat..

  11. remove the gauze out & gargle with ice cold water. Eat some thing & take your medicins. After that place fresh gauze back & bit hard on it. Apply ice below on the jaw. Swallow your saliva & dont keep spitting.

  12. the most it will take is 3 hours but when the numbness goes away you can start eating.

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