
WISDOM TEETH!! Terrified?!?

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I'm supposed to get my wisdom teeth pulled Friday. I wanted desperately to stay awake during the surgery, but my oral surgeon refuses. . . I'm scared to death of needles in my arms. . I can take ten needles in my mouth because I can't feel those. . but anyway, I'm terrified of the needle in the arm. I can't STAND being asleep and NOT knowing what they're doing. . I've had surgery before and I stayed awake and was perfectly fine. . . I just don't want it. . .

Please tell me your experiences if you had to sleep during wisdom teeth extraction. . . how bad was it? Who woke you up when it was over?




  1. Ok well it is not that bad!!And Iam only 14,13 at the time!!They numb ur arn first then they keep talking to u and then u feel this little pinch in ur arm that in the needle.They keep talking to u and then like 5 mins. later ur a sleep and u dont even know it!!Know one wakes u up,u wake u by urself!!Then the push u out in a wheelchair!!It hurts like an hr. later but they give u medicine!!

  2. i got my wisdom teeth pulled 3 hrs ago

    i stayed awake because i had the choice

    i didnt want a needle in my arm either

    they gave me a anesthesia pill to take at home an hour before

    then they numbed my mouth and pulled my teeth out

    i was conscious the whole time and i didnt feel my mouth

    i dont understand why they put people to sleep its really not bad

    i was out of there in less than 45 mins

    tell your doctor you really dont need the IV

  3. Ok, take a deep breath and try to relax.  They did put me to sleep to remove my wisdom teeth and I'm glad they did!  You definitely don't want to be awake for all that cutting and crunching, besides the fact that you would be constantly gagging.  The needle stick barely hurt at all, and quite honestly, you fall asleep so fast after it that the next thing you know, you're waking up and it's over!  I promise you it's not bad at all!  One of the assistants to the surgeon woke me up and the whole process took about  an hour.  I had two impacted teeth and one erupted and the recovery was much harder than the actual procedure.  You will do just fine!!!

  4. Just had mine pulled a month ago.  I didn't want to be put to sleep.  I was afraid I would problably say something stupid when I woke up and was still out of it.  I also wanted to save on the cost. My dentist said he could handle the job.  I was worried because one wisdom tooth was cracked in half.

      He numbed my mouth and did the extractions.  Only one tooth I could feel as he was working on it.  I told him and he numbed me some more which did the trick.

    Maybe you can use your dentist to pull them instead of an oral surgeon and stay awake.

  5. When i got my wisdom teeth pulled, i didn't get an IV.  I was given laughing gas, was out in a matter of seconds...maybe they started an IV after i fell asleep, i'm not quite sure though.  But if they did i woulda been out anyway.

  6. I just had this done last week. Basically if you tell them you are afraid of the IV hurting they will numb your arm first.  They gave me nitrous, the doctor came in and said my arm would feel really cold and then he would put the IV in, but he did it at the same time so I didn't even know.

    It burns a little when they push the medicine in but then you just go to sleep and even if you do wake up a little during it, you won't remember.

    The nurses will then wake you up, let you recover a little and depending on how you reacted to the anesthesia they will either walk you to your car or take you by wheelchair.  I walked, and it just feels like you are drunk for a while until it wears off. But then your whole face is numb so you wait until that goes away and have a milkshake so you can take pills if you need them.

    I had NO pain afterwards, but if you do they prescribe you stuff to take for it anyway. So the worst part of it all... is waiting! Then you just sleep for a few days, watch TV, drink milkshakes and that's it.

    Just get it done and you will feel a million times better for it. Trust me!

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