
WIth all these women nowadays, fighting for equal rights and such, believing that each gener is 100% equal why

by  |  earlier

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is it that this so called rule 'never hit a woman' exists, i mean ya you shouldn't hit a woman, or anyone for that matter. You see, women say were equal in everyway, but oh ya only women can hit men and get away with it, wtf is that about, I believe if a women hits me hard enough to hurt me for no reason i will stike back, just as hard as if a man hit me. you women want to be equal heres your shot, this is a mans world. and i am just exersising gender equality. Who agrees? if u dont leave your thoughts




  1. There are tons of double standards they take advantage of.  They might make twice what you earn but your butt better be paying for lunch.  And to that a lot of people will say, oh but you asked her out so you ought to pay.  But they conveniently forget that a man is expected to ask a woman out, not the other way around.  Its a very sexist system and we get worked.  Traditionally, women controlled the s*x and men controlled the money, but now that they are getting a more equitable share of the $$ they are slow to give up their ideas of a free lunch.

  2. Go on with out that one love BS that you obviously don't believe in.  No one should hit and it is not acceptable for women to hit.  If a women hits you; since this is a "mans world" as you said; you could be the bigger man and walk away.  Call the cops and have her arrested bring light and record to the incidence to assist in removing violence from the lives of men.  Why would you do that?  Just hit her back its your world right?  Bob Marley is ashamed.

  3. nd who r u  again?

  4. Knock her block off.  I'll be damned if she try something like that with me.  She wants equality, she gonna have to take the good with the bad.  I always looked at it like, what would you do if a smaller dudge swung at ya?  if she child sized then I'll just embarass her by yankin her top down or pantsing her. but when a broad about my size then its all good to lay her down.  She shoulda know better then to mess with someone bigger. HA!

  5. Umm nobody said that all women are equal phisically. They may be just as smart and everything, but evolutionarily, men are just stronger most of the time. If a woman is abusing you, by which I mean hitting you hard enough to hurt for no reason, you are allowed to defend yourself, preferably, just by blocking her punches, or holding her arms away from you, not by striking back. But the rule means that you shouldn't be hitting women for no good reason, and since you shouldn't hit men for no reason anyway, it really shouldn't affect you.

  6. what is that incessant buzzing....?

  7. It is because it is an old rule.  In my opinion, no one should ever hit anyone unless in self defense...bottom line.

  8. I'm in complete agreement with you.  No man should be obliged to let a woman use him as a punch bag.

  9. This question is asked all the time. Is using the "search for questions" function that difficult?

    Anyway, this is a ridiculous example of "gender equality." Gender equality refers to giving people an equal opportunity to pursue a life they see fit for themselves without arbitrary and unfounded gender discrimination, such as an equal opportunity at education and employment. There is no such thing as "the equal right to be struck back." First of all, no one should be striking anyone in the first place, and then striking someone back just because they struck you first is childish. I don't think anyone, man or woman, has the right to strike anyone back just because they struck you first. Grow up and walk away or call the police on them for striking you first. Now of course if a woman is attacking a man, he has every right to defend himself against her.

  10. In the UK 2 women every week are killed by their husband, boyfriend or ex - I guess we will never find out how hard they could have hit back! Intellectually equal to a question like this, I don't know if I want to lose so much!

  11. I agree with you.  If I hit a man, he has every right to hit me back.

    Think everyone needs to grown the heck up...what kind of social life/ maturity level is it that people are running around hit each other anyway?  Middle school?

  12. Ehh... you're wrong.

    Why is it that because this is called "Gender and women's studies" everyone automatically thinks this is full of feminazis?

    I have never seen anyone try to explain how men and women are equal in every single way... we're not, it only requires a look at a member of each s*x to know that.

    The moderate feminist ideology (backed by studies) is that men and women are equal in terms of mental ability, and it calls for the equalization of social status... there's nothing about physicalilty in it at all, which is what you're claiming. Men are more physical beings (obviously), they are genetically built to fight, therefore a punch from a man to a woman will cause more pain than viseversa... of course there are exceptions but not very many. Don't you think it should be treated differently if a man hits a woman and causes severe pain, then if a woman hits a man and he shakes it off instantly? I do!

    But the law does not. The law treats physical abuse the same, doesn't it? If a woman hits a man (even if it doesn't cause pain) she can be sued for all she's worth. So what are you complaining about?

  13. Your kind of right in a way because woman do get away with hitting somebody and knowing they won't get hit back. But men are powerful in strength but woman can be just like us . Woman never work out like we do of why they look so weak. If woman would work out just as men would they would be more like us and then we can hit them lol. Men are like strong woman you can say because men dedicate themselves to the gym a lot over woman. I would never hit a woman because I love woman why would I? But if men and woman were the same then hitting each other wouldn't be a big deal if would be like endurance. We can arm wrestle each other and be real tough together. We would be equals then and woman would have to complain about right if they are physically fit.

  14. There is no actual "fighting" involved here. It's just an expression that feminists use to give the impression that they're doing something about something.

    What that "something" is, well, that's anyone guess.

    If they're "fighting" for anything it's not equality. They're "fighting" for superiority, for special favourable rights and privileges for themselves.

  15. What it means is keep your hands to yourself; the one you're thinking of hitting may not think like you.

  16. Hitting people in America is against the law and you can go to jail for it regardless of your s*x.  No one has any right to hit anyone unless in self defense.

    I am a woman and the only people I have ever laid my hands are were people who thought they can hit me.  

    I do not tolerate physical abuse and refuse to be with an abusive man.

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