
WOMEN, how often do you feel guilty about having s*x with a MAN who makes you feel like a NOBODY ?

by  |  earlier

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Lets say. You meet a guy, then you find out he is a complete jerk.

And you realize that you only want to be with someone because you

are afraid to be alone. Meaning you would rather be in a bad relationship, than none at all.............




  1. Why should I feel guilty if the guy I'm with turns out to be a jerk?  Sure, it hurts my feelings if someone I really liked is really inconsiderate to me, and I've been known to get stressed out about that.   But guilty? Huh?  Why would I feel guilty?  When he's used up all the benefit of the doubt that I have to give, I break it off.

  2. I have never slept with someone who makes me feel like a nobody and if i ever found out someone i slept with was a jerk i would probably just leave with some very harsh words to that person.... its silly to allow someone to make you feel less that is not a relationship thats just plain awful...

  3. Well, I've never done that, I was always very happy as a single girl and I enjoyed meeting plenty of guys, yes, some of them were jerks in the end but I wouldn't have had a relationship with them, just a few dates or a fling before getting rid of them.

    I never went out looking for a relationship. It was pure coincedence that I met my boyfriend and, ok, so I've never been happier than I am now...but I wasn't unhappy before either. Supposing something should go wrong, I would go back to being happily single I guess.

    People who "need" a relationship (even a bad one) to feel fulfilled should really get therapy or something. If you can't be happy with yourself, no one else is really going to be happy with you either.

  4. I have never been in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship and honestly at this point in my life, I'm not afraid to be alone....actually, I quite enjoy it.

  5. Sorry I can’t say I have ever done that, I’ve only been with one man who I am still with and he makes me feel like everybody. I in turn try to do the same thing for him.  

  6. Never :-)

  7. I wouldn't.

  8. don't have s*x with someone unless you know who they are inside and out

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