
WOMEN, i want YOUR view on this because i already know the guys reaction to it

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i respect women more than me......... is that weird?

like i would die for them.... im basicaly the kind you can walk all over, but i cant help it.....

should i respect women less?




  1. You should respect yourself.

  2. Should you respect women less?  No!      There should be equal respect.  You need to respect yourself as you respect woman.  However, respecting someone doesn't mean you let them walk all over you.  I don't think that is respect at all.  That sounds more like either fear or low self worth.   Respect woman - there is nothing wrong with that but learn to respect yourself also.  Because everyone deserves respect even from themselves.

  3. You should have women following you everywhere.

  4. It's never healthy to let anyone "walk all over you." That doesn't sound like respect to me, that sounds more like some sort of subservience fetish.

  5. You can keep giving women the same amount of respect while respecting yourself more than you do now.

    It sounds more like a self esteem issue than anything.

  6. I'm a guy, but it sounds like you are genuinely suffering from some degree of inferiority.  I don't think it's reasonable for anyone to have more respect for others than themselves.

  7. It's not bad but you should also be more assertive. Don't let someone take advantage of you.

  8. thats actually really sweet. girls like to be pampered and respected but at the same time not too much. they dont always want a guy whose willing to do everything that they want to do just because they say so. girls also want a guy with a back bone so dont respect less but stand up for youself and have an opinion. im sure youll find a girl who loves you for respecting her the way you do. good luck

  9. No, respect them more. Remember that a woman (I'm assuming you're not a test tube bay) carried you for nine months and could have possibly (I'm assuming you were in the womb for nine months and that your mother survived labor) died in labor. However if you hate the fact that you were born STILL RESPECT WOMEN.

  10. Um, yeah. You sound a bit obsessed. You either have a bit TOO much respect for women to the point where there's something psychologically wrong, or you're a manw.h**e.

  11. That's a bit extreme..

    I *adore* men who are respectful and honorable with me, but I have no respect for a man who will do ANYTHING for me and sacrifice himself in the process.

    Be respectful, be honorable, be loving, protective and caring -- but DON'T be a push over who has no identity beyond the woman who shares your bed.

  12. can i have your phone number?

  13. In general, you shouldn't respect women less or more than yourself. However, you should have less respect for the women who take advantage of your kind nature and walk all over you. If you don't learn the difference between a real woman and a B-t-h who will walk all over you, you're going to be really bitter in a few years.

  14. No, you should respect both the same.

    You know what I don't get? How people decide whether they respect (or don't) a whole group of people. What happened to earning respect based on individual merits?

  15. Mmm what's your age and what do you look like?

  16. (and where do you live!?!?  lol :p)

    just dont let people walk over you

  17. You're going to have a lot of women, good and bad, wanting your phone number. Good luck with that. ♥ ∞

  18. You shouldn't respect women less but you shouldn't let women step all over you either. There's nothing wrong with respecting women but also respect yourself.

  19. Yes.

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